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What are colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy?

Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy are procedures that let your doctor look inside your rectum and colon (large intestine). They use instruments called scopes. Scopes have a light and a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube. These procedures let your doctor see problems such as inflamed tissue, ulcers, polyps, and cancer.

Colonoscopy checks your entire colon and rectum. Flexible sigmoidoscopy checks the rectum and the lower colon (sigmoid colon) only.

What is a virtual colonoscopy?

A virtual colonoscopy also looks inside your rectum and part of your colon. But it does not use a scope. Instead, it is an x-ray test. Another name for this test is CT colonography.

Who needs a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, or flexible sigmoidoscopy?

You may need a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, or flexible sigmoidoscopy to find the cause of unexplained symptoms such as:

  • Bleeding from your anus (the opening of the rectum through which stool passes out of your body)
  • Changes in your bowel activity, such as diarrhea
  • Pain in your abdomen (belly)
  • Unexplained weight loss

Doctors also use these procedures to screen for colon polyps and cancer. Screening is testing for diseases when you have no symptoms. It may find diseases at an early stage, when they are easier to treat. If aren't at higher risk for colorectal cancer, your health care provider will likely recommend you start getting screenings at age 45. If you are at higher risk, you may need to start getting screened for colorectal cancer earlier.

There are also other tests to screen for colorectal cancer, including stool tests. Talk with your provider about which test is right for you and when and how often you should get it.

How do you prepare for a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, or flexible sigmoidoscopy?

To prepare for a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, or flexible sigmoidoscopy, you will need to:

  • Talk with your doctor about any health problems you have and all of the medicines and supplements that you take. You may need to stop taking some of your medicines and/or supplements before the procedure.
  • Follow the bowel prep instructions from your doctor. The bowel prep clears the stool out of your colon, so your doctor will be able to see the colon during the procedure:
    • You may need to follow a clear liquid diet, usually for about one day before the procedure. Avoid red or purple drinks or gelatin; the dye can look like blood in the colon. You probably need to stop eating and drinking the night before the exam.
    • You will need to take some laxatives. They may be pills, a powder that you dissolve in liquid, an enema, or a combination of these. The laxative will cause diarrhea, so you need to stay close to the bathroom.

For a virtual colonoscopy, you will also need to drink a contrast medium the night before. The contrast medium is a dye or other substance that is visible on x-rays. It can help your doctor tell the difference between stool and polyps.

How are colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy done?

For a colonoscopy:

  • You will have the procedure at a hospital or outpatient center. It usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.
  • You will get IV (intravenous) sedatives or anesthesia, usually along with pain medicine, so you won't be awake or feel pain during the procedure.
  • You'll lie on a table while the doctor inserts a colonoscope through your anus and into your rectum and colon. The scope inflates your large intestine with air for a better view. The camera sends a video image to a monitor so your doctor can see your colon.
  • Once the scope reaches the opening to your small intestine, the doctor will slowly remove the scope. While doing so, your doctor will examine your colon again.
  • If you have polyps, your doctor may remove them and send them to a lab for testing. Most polyps aren't cancer, but removing them can prevent them from becoming cancer later on.
  • If you have abnormal tissue, your doctor may do a biopsy.
  • The sedative or anesthesia takes time to wear off completely. You'll stay at the hospital or outpatient center for 1 to 2 hours after the procedure. Then you will need someone to drive you home.

For a virtual colonoscopy:

  • You will have the procedure at a hospital or outpatient center. It usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You do not need anesthesia.
  • You'll lie on a table while a specially trained x-ray technician inserts a thin tube through your anus and into your rectum. The tube inflates your large intestine with air for a better view.
  • The table slides into a tunnel-shaped device where the technician takes the x-ray images. You will turn over on your side or stomach to get more images taken.

For a flexible sigmoidoscopy:

  • You will have the procedure at a hospital, medical office, or outpatient center. It usually takes about 20 minutes.
  • You do not need anesthesia.
  • You'll lie on a table while the doctor inserts a thin tube through your anus and into your rectum. The tube inflates your large intestine with air for a better view. The camera sends a video image to a monitor so your doctor can see your lower colon.
  • Once the scope has reached the top of the lower colon, the doctor will slowly remove the scope. While doing so, your doctor will examine your lower colon again.
  • If you have polyps, your doctor may remove them and send them to a lab for testing. Most polyps aren't cancer, but removing them can prevent them from becoming cancer later on.
  • If you have abnormal tissue, your doctor may do a biopsy.
What should I expect after a colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, or flexible sigmoidoscopy?

You may feel cramping in your abdomen or bloating during the first hour after the any of these procedures. If the doctor removed polyps or performed a biopsy, you may have light bleeding from your anus. This bleeding is normal.

For a virtual colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you go back to your regular activities and diet right after the test. For a colonoscopy, you can expect a full recovery and return to your normal diet by the next day.

Your doctor will give you the results of your procedure. If you had a biopsy, it can take a few days to get those results.

NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Rectum

   The bark and fruit of Aesculus glabra, Willdenow (Nat. Ord. Sapindaceae). A small fetid tree common to the central portion of the United... / ... are to be preferred. Specific Indications.—Sense of constriction, tightness, or uneasiness in the rectum, with or without hemorrhoids; intestinal irritation with constriction and colicky pain near t... / ...Aesculus deserves further study to determine its status as a remedy for nervous disorders, and especially its control over visceral neuralgias. 1

   ... per cent of Aloes). Dose, 15 to 60 minims. Specific Indications.—Atony of the large intestine and rectum; mucoid discharges, prolapsus ani, ascaris vermicularis (Scudder). Difficult evacuation of th......—Aloes is a slow-acting stimulating purgative, probably affecting only the lower bowel, notably the rectum. In small doses it is laxative. It strongly increases colonic peristalsis, but does not great...1

BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna)ATROP
   The (1) dried root and the (2) dried leaves and tops of Atropa Belladonna, Linné (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). Europe and Central Asia; also... / ...sitory of belladonna relieves spasmodic dysmenorrhea and may be applied either in the vagina or the rectum. A similar application, with or without tannin or geranium, may be inserted into the vagina f...1

   The seeds of Caffea arabica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rubiaceae). Native of Arabia-Felix and... / ...followed by fatigue or exhaustion. Therapy.—Coffee in strong infusion is given both by stomach and rectum in opium poisoning. It should be made fresh and as strong as possible. The warmth adds to its...... use in narcotic poisoning very strong, “black coffee” may be given freely, both by mouth and per rectum.1

   Charcoal prepared by burning soft wood. It must be kept in tightly-closed vessels. Common Names: Charcoal, Wood Charcoal; Synonym: Carbo... / ...s. It has been used in enema, 1/2 to 1 drachm, finely powdered, to 4 ounces of water, thrown up the rectum. Why this checks it I can not tell; that it does it I have the evidence of my own eyes. For s... / ...the belly-wall tumid and doughy, the tongue expressionless and pale with little coating and lenticular spots, or the coating may lift in patches.1

   ...roat, with cough arising from use of the voice; a sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the rectum, with a painful contraction of the sphincter and perineum; sense of contraction in the rectum......oves impairment of the mucous membranes, appearing to be most active in disorders of the throat and rectum, though venous stasis in any organ or part is corrected by it. Collinsonia is the most vascular engorgement of the pelvic viscera, with a sense as if a foreign body were lodged in the rectum, causing constant uneasiness and affecting the nervous system profoundly. There is weight, he...1

   The unripe, full-grown fruits of Piper Cubeba, Linné, fil. (Nat. Ord. Piperaceae.) Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Prince of Wales Island, and other isles... / ...ns.—Gonorrhea after discharges have almost ceased; enfeebled conditions of the large intestine and rectum; subacute inflammation of the urinary passages; urethral burning and scalding of urine in wom... / ...and hay fever. Care must be had not to blister the roof of the mouth, an untoward effect that is produced by the oil in a good quality of cubeba.1

   The sifted flour of the grain of Triticum sativum, Lamarck (Nat. Ord. Graminaceae). Common Names: Wheat Flour, Common Flour. Principal... / ...sis of the bread and milk poultice. Wheat-flour paste well thinned is emollient and may be used per rectum for the administration of medicines in colitis. Rarely wheat flour is used as a dusting powde... / ...fruits or baked in a biscuit or cake, is a common mechanical laxative for habitual constipation, often proving more effective than medicines.1

   Glucose, Liquid Glucose, Syrupy Glucose. A syrupy liquid, composed chiefly of dextrose (dextro-glucose) and dextrin. It is obtained by the... / ... important fields of usefulness is in infant feeding (2 to 3 fluidounces of 6 per cent solution per rectum), and in the same strength solution (6 ounces) intraperitoneally to prevent acidosis in malno...1

   Glycerin, Glycerol. A liquid composed most largely of a trihydric alcohol (C3H5(OH)3) obtained by the processes of hydrolysis and distillation of... / ...ntiseptic and protective emollient to the skin. It is a demulcent to mucous tissues. Applied to the rectum it provokes evacuation, both by its irritating and dehydrating effects. Glycerin kills parasi... / ...A 5 per cent solution of phenol in glycerin upon cotton may be used for insertion into the aural canal after rupture of the membrana tympani wh1

   The leaves, bark and twigs of Hamamelis virginiana, Linné (Nat. Ord. Hamamelidaceae), collected in the autumn. Common in the United States.... / ...s; hemorrhoids with weight and fullness; rectal prolapse; dull aching pain in pelvis, genitalia, or rectum, with perineal relaxation and fullness; relaxed or engorged and painful sore throat; gastro-i...1

   The rhizome of Chamaelirium luteum, Gray (Helonias dioica, Pursh)-(Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). Abundant in woodlands, meadows, and wet places in some... / disorders, and when menstruation occurs there is a feeling of undue fullness, as if the womb and rectum were distended with blood, and about to be pushed out of the body. There is associated aching... / ...It is also said to relieve the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, to prevent miscarriages, and to correct gastric complications of albuminuria.1

HIPPOCASTANUM (Aesculus Hippocastanum)AEHI
   ...ssels, and general malaise; visceral neuralgia; disturbances reflex from vascular congestion of the rectum. Action and Therapy.—The action and therapeutic uses of hippocastanum are closely similar to......for non-bleeding piles when full, purple and painful, with a feeling as if a foreign body is in the rectum; there may also be itching and heat, or simply a sense of uneasiness or discomfort. When proc...1

JALAPA (Ipomea jalapa)
   The dried tuberous root of Ipomoea jalapa, Nuttall; (Ipomoea purga, Hayne; Exogonium jalapa, Baillon; Exogonium purga, Bentham). Nat.... / ...stipation due to inactivity of the intestinal glands or where hard fecal masses are impacted in the rectum. Movements are facilitated by the secretion induced. It is a useful revulsive in cerebral con... / ...that modification of the compound powder as advised by Locke are desirable forms in which to use jalap. Jalap alone purges in about 3 to 4 hours.1

   The root of Krameria triandra, Ruiz et Pavon, and of Krameria Ixina, Linné (Nat. Ord. Krameriaceae). Small suffruticose plants of South America... / preserve the teeth. In ointment it is a good application for bleeding piles, and in ulcer of the rectum and fissure of the anus. Internal. Tannin-bearing drugs often act better as astringents than ... / ...and colliquative sweating. It has been advised in the diarrhea of opium habitues and in dyspepsia and gastric catarrh with full, relaxed skin.1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Rectum

   The bark of TSUGA CANADENSIS, (L.) Carr. Astringent, hemo static. Locally applied in relaxed conditions of the vagina or rectum, gangrenous wounds, unhealthy ulcers, etc,2

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Rectum

   Medicate no more than is necessary. Prescribe regular open air exercise, regularity in going to... / ...f necessary prescribe general tonics. The laxatives best suited for habitual use are; 1, glycerin sup positories, when there is simply inertia of the rectum; 2, senna (particularly a cold infusion, or the oflicial compound liquorice pow der) or cascara sagrada (fluid extract aromatic or jellules); 3...2

   Isolate the patient and watch carefully all children who may have been exposed. In every case use Diphtheria Antitoxin if at hand and use it promptly. As... / ...ride, quinine and strychnine are of service, and strength must be maintained by fluid or semifluid nourishing food such as peptonized milk (given per rectum if swallowing is im possible).2

   When connected with faulty digestion, direct treatment to cause. Remedies in mild cases are tincture capsicum, Hoffmanrfis Anodyne, spirit chloroform, valerianates, spirit camphor; in severe cases, musk (10 grain doses, best given per rectum), amyl nitrite, enema of sodium bromide and deodorized tincture opium.2

   ...rm. cocaine, creosote, chloretone, bismuth; in extreme cases, aconite; it may be necessary to give the stomach complete rest, feeding the patient per rectum. When due to debility or exhaustion, as after excesses, the best remedies are; ipecac, in small doses (for its local stimulating action); nux v......eaves over the epigastrium is very serviceable. When the vomiting is centric, acetanilid in grain doses is an eficient remedy; potassium bromide, per rectum, may be given. In the vomiting of pregnancy, cerium oxalate, carbonated water; chloretone, cocaine, creosote, tincture iodine in small doses, p...2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.