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Felter's Materia Medica on Sticta

   The lichen Sticta Pulmonaria, Linné (Nat. Ord. Lichenes). Found upon tree trunks and rocks in England and the eastern United States, mostly in mountainous districts. Common Names: Lungwort Lichen, Lung Moss, Oak Lungwort, Tree Lungwort. Principal Constituent.—Stictic acid, allied to cetraric acid from Iceland moss. Preparation.—Specific Medicine Sticta. Dose, 1/10 drop to 10 drops. Specific Indications.— “Pain in the shoulders, back of neck, and extending to the occiput” (Scudder). Soreness and dull pain in the pectoral muscles, increased by deep breathing; irritation of the medulla, and parts supplied by the vagus; irritative cough; persistent dry, rasping wheezing, or short, hacking cough, with quick-darting pains in the thoracic walls; hay fever with headache; catarrhal disorders with frontal tension, sneezing, coryza and conjunctival hyperaemia or inflammation. Action and Therapy.—Sticta relieves pain and muscular soreness confined chiefly to the neck, head, and chest, and irritation in parts supplied by the vagus. Thus it proves useful in so-called subacute rheumatic pain extending from the shoulder to the base of the occiput, or in the chest walls, or the smaller joints. Muscular pain accompanying catarrhal fever and epidemic influenza is relieved by it. Over the various types of cough described under specific indications it has a controlling force, provided there is atony and the pneumogastric is involved. When these conditions prevail it has aided in the reduction of fever, and checked chills and night sweats, thus giving comfort in pulmonary tuberculosis. Sick headache, acute catarrhal disorders, whooping cough, summer colds, etc., accompanied by cough and muscular soreness, have been reported benefited by it. The pulse in sticta cases while soft, has a peculiar wire-like vibration or thrill. The chest soreness relieved by it simulates lameness, is increased by taking a deep breath, and feels like that arising from a bruise or muscular overexertion.1


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.