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Symlin FDA Approved Drugs

SYMLIN [Pramlintide AcetateC171H267N51O53S2C2H4O2H2O]
eq 1.5mg base/1.5ml (eq 1mg base/ml) (subcutaneous injectable)
eq 2.7mg base/2.7ml (eq 1mg base/ml) (subcutaneous injectable)
Astrazeneca AbSep 25, 2007
  • Treatment of diabetes with an amylin agonist, including with insulin.
  • Treatment of diabetes with an amylin agonist.
  • Use of an amylin agonist to reduce gastric motility and treat post prandial hypergylcemia.
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.