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WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Cod Liver Oil

   The oil obtained from the fresh livers of GADU8 MoRRHUA, Lin. Readily digested and having a peculiar power of improving nutrition. It is believed that this property resides in certain constituents of the oil not of a fatty nature and accordingly some of the preparations contain the non-fatty portions only of the oil. Ordinary dose for an adult, 15 c. c. (half a fluidounce), three times a day.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.