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WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Gold

BERBERINE (Hydrastin)
   Alkaloid from GOLDEN-SEAL and some other related plants. Bit ter tonic, hepatic stimulant, antiperiodic. The Hydrochloride is the salt most used. The sulphate and phosphate have' identical proper ties, and have the advantage of being more soluble. Dose of either, 0.06 to 0.25 Grm. (1 to 4 grs.).1

   The bark of ILBX VERTICILLATA ( L.) Gray. Astringent, bitter tonic, alterative, antiperiodic. Serviceable in cutaneous diseases, in diarrhea and all debilitated conditions; in dyspepsia combined with Golden-seal.1

   The compounds of Gold have an action on the human system resembling that of mercurial salts. They modify and improve nu trition in cachectic conditions, stimulate the various emuctories and apparently give tone to the nervous system. They are hence prescribed in neurasthenia, in hysteria, in neuralgia (particularly ovarian) and in methomania. as well as in scrofula and chronic syphilis and rheumatism. a. Gold Bromide. Dose, 1-30 to 1-15 gr. The salt shows distinctly the sedative action of the br1

   The leaves of SOLIDAGO ODORA. Ait. Aromatic. mildly astringent, diuretic, anodyne; in hot infusion diaphoretic and emmenagogue.1

   The rhizome of HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS; Lin. Tonic, alterative to mucous membranes, uterine hemostatic. hepatic stimulant and aperient. Used much in dyspeptic troubles, in mt-norrhagia and dysmenorrhea, and for its local effect in canker of the mouth, ulcerat ed sore throat, fissures of the nipple, hemorrhoids as well as in con junctivitis. leucorrhea and especially in gonorrhea. The yellow alka loid Berberim, q. v. is simply tonic and perhaps antiperiodic. The white alkaloid flydrastine, q. v. is 1

   The rhizome and leaves of COPTIS THIFOLIA, Salisb. Tonic. antiseptic. Contains -Berberino. Used as a wash for ‘aphthous sore mouth, etc.1

   An alkaloid obtained from GOLDEN SEAL, q. v. The medicinal activity of Golden-seal seems to reside chiefly in this alkaloid which is a valuable remedy in catarrhal affections of the mucous mem branes, and as a uterine hemostatic. Dose, 0.008 to 0.03 Grm. (1/8 to 1/2 grs.).1

   The compounds of MANGANEsE are often given in conjunction with those of iron as hematinic tonics. Some of them are reported to have a specific action as emmenagogues. a. Manganese Bromide. Dose. 0.06 to 0.30 Grm. (1 to 5 grs.). For formula see under Gold Bromide. b. Manganese Carbonate. Hematinic tonic, emmena gogue. Dose, 0.06 to 0.20 Grm. (1 to 3 grs.). c. Manganese Dioxide. Hematinic tonic, emmenagogue, alterative. Used in chlorosis, amenorrhea and in some forms of gastralgia. Dose, 0.06 to 01

NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL (Compound Syrup of Rhubarb and Potassa. N. F.)
   Stomachic, laxative, antacid. A favorite remedy with many for certain dyspeptlc conditions, in which constipation and acidity of the stomach are prominent symptoms. Each fluidrachm repre sents; Rhubarb, 2 1/4 grs.; Cinnamon 1 1/8 grs.; Golden-seal, 1 1/8 grs.; Potassium Bicarb., 2 1/4 grs-; Oil Peppermint, 3-50 M Dose, 4 to 8 c. c. (1 to 2 fluidrachms) when distress is felt after eating. It is best taken as much as two hours after a meal.1

   The tubers of BICUCULLA CANADENSIS, (Goldie) Millsp. Tonic, diuretic, alterative. Used in combination with other alterative remedies.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.