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A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs to cause illness or death. These germs are often found in nature. But they can sometimes be made more harmful by increasing their ability to cause disease, spread, or resist medical treatment.

Biological agents spread through the air, water, or in food. Some can also spread from person to person. They can be very hard to detect. They don't cause illness for several hours or days. Scientists worry that anthrax, botulism, Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses, plague, or smallpox could be used as biological agents.

Biodefense uses medical measures to protect people against bioterrorism. This includes medicines and vaccinations. It also includes medical research and preparations to defend against bioterrorist attacks.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Strychnine

   Antispasmodic, reducing arterial tension and so causing momen tary acceleration of the heart beat. Used chiefly by inhalation to relax spasm, notably in asthma, in whooping cough. in spasmodic croup, in epileptic seizures, in tetanus and strychnine poisoning and in spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is a valuable agent also in angina pec toris and in sudden heart failure, but must be used always intelli gently and with due caution remembering that it is a depressant, not a stimulant. Dose. usually 0.13 1

   Since the medicinal action of the several alkaline bromides is es sentially the same, and they are frequently prescribed in combina tion, they are grouped here under a single head. They are sedative to the cerebro-spinal centers and hence employed in epilepsy, in in fantile convulsions, in tetanus, in strychnine poisoning, in whooping cough and generally for quieting nervous excitement and in particu lar sexual erethism. In epilepsy a combination of two or more brom ides often gives better resul1

CALABAR BEAN (Physostigma).PHVE11
   The seeds of PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM, Bali. Deprossant of motor tract of spinal cord; used in tetanus and in strychnine poison ing to control spasms, in constipation, and to counteract the effect of atropine on the eye.1

CHLORAL (Chloral Hydrate)
   A powerful hypnotic, less eflicient as an anodyne than opium; antispasmodic. Especially valuable in spasms of strychnine poison ing, tetanus, hysteria and chorea. Dose, 0.6 to 2.0 Grm. (10 to 30 grs.).1

   Anesthetic, hypnotic, sedative, antispasmodic. Used to relieve spasm as in strychnine poisoning, as a solvent for biliary calculi and as an ingredient in cough mixtures.1

   An admirable general tonic having a wide range of usefulness in de bilitated conditions. Its active constituents are in each fluidrachm; Calcium Hypophosphite,1/2 gr.; Potassium Hypophosphite, 1 gr.; Manganese Hypophosphite, 1/4 gr.; Ferric Hypophosphite, 1/4 gr.; Quinine Hypophosphite, 1-16 gr.; Strychnine Hypophospbite, 1-80 gr.; Pancreatin Saccharated, 1 gr.; Pepsin Saccharated, 1 1/2 grs. The combination has therefore, 1st the specific action bf the hypo phosphites as restoratives, supplying1

   The seeds of SrnYCrmos NUX-VOMICA. Lin. A tetanizing pois on; a powerful stimulant to spinal nerve centers. Prescribed often with laxatives in chronic constipation to stimulate peristaltic action; more used than any other tonic in nervous debility, associated often with iron and quinine. The active principle, Strychnine, q. v., is largely used in preference to preparations of the crude drug.1

   Alkaloid obtained from STRYCHNOS NUX VOMICA, L. and other species of Strychnos. Properties of Nux Vomica, q. v. The Sulphate and the Nitrate are the salts most used. The alkaloid itself is almost insoluble in water and so should not be prescribed. Dose of the salts, 0.0006 to 0.004 Grm. (1-100 to 1-16 gr.).1

   A combination in which the powerful secernant action of Pilocarpine is secured without the depressing effects commonly produced by that remedy. A most eflicient agent in the treatment of anasarca and ascites. Each fluidrachm contains; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride, 1-32 gr.; Strychnine Sulphate, 1-64 gr.; Digitoxin, 1-500 gr.; Sparteine Sulphate. 1/8 gr.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.