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An abscess is a pocket of pus. You can get an abscess almost anywhere in your body. When an area of your body becomes infected, your body's immune system tries to fight the infection. White blood cells go to the infected area, collect within the damaged tissue, and cause inflammation. During this process, pus forms. Pus is a mixture of living and dead white blood cells, germs, and dead tissue.

Bacteria, viruses, parasites and swallowed objects can all lead to abscesses. Skin abscesses are easy to detect. They are red, raised and painful. Abscesses inside your body may not be obvious and can damage organs, including the brain, lungs and others. Treatments include drainage and antibiotics.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Abscess

   In the incipient stage, applications of tincture iodine, of Phenol camphor, N., B. & Co. or of a solution of silver nitrate, 20 to 40 grs. to the ounce, or injection into the tissues involved of 5 to 15 minims of a 2 per cent. aqueous solution oi carbolic acid may abort the abscess. Internally calcium sulphide, 1-10 to 1-2 gr. doses. For febrile reaction, aconite. Locally apply Glyceroplasma for its de pletant and emollient eifect; anodynes as needed. If pus forms, evacuate it early and dress with Iodosyl gauze, cleaning when needed with hydrogen peroxide and applying finally ointment of zinc oxide. Sustain strength by wholesome nourishing food and such tonics as Eupeptic Hypophosphites, Vitalic Hypophos phites or Elixir Gentian and Phosphoric Acid Compound. Haemo Mangan is useful when blood is impoverished.1

   Treat specific cause if it exists. Apply iodine ointment or tincture iodine, later Glyccroplasma or ichthyol ointment. When suppuration takes place, treat as an abscess.1

   To abort, paint the part with a solution of silver nitrate, 20 to 40 grs. to fl. oz. or apply frequently Phenol Camphor (not to be covered with a bandage) or spirit camphor and camphorated oil or inject a few drops of a 5% solution of carbolic acid. If these fail, apply Glycero plasma or a flaxseed meal poultice, with opium or belladonna to re lieve pain. Internally, sulphurated lime to prevent suppuration and appropriate tonic and restorative remedies. When suppuration occurs, treat as an abscess.1

   In Acute Hepatitis, employ the usual remedies for inflammation; aconite, calomel followed by seidlitz powder, potassium citrate, spirit nitrous ether; small blister over liver; Glyceroplasma; food must be simple and easily digested (or predigested). If abscess forms, evacuate by aspiration. - In the Chronic Hepatitis of hot climates, nitromuriatic acid in ternally and locally applied is the most approved remedy; potassium iodide, ammonium chloride.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.