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WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Debility

   Ascertain the cause. If due to constitutional taint, use altera tives. notably potassium iodide. If from extreme debility, appropri ate tonils, especially strychnine; if from uremia, Tonic Pilocarpine Compound; if from auto-intoxication, a mercurial purge; ii from ex cess, Eupeptic Hypophosphites. glycerophosphates, strychnine and other tonics, with avoidance of cause; ii lrom tobacco or almhol, ab stain lrom these and use heart tonics, especially Elixir Digitalin Compound, N., B. dz Co.; if from lead poisoning, use potassium iodide; if from rheumatism, antirheumatic remedies.1

   When due to anemia and debility, combinations of aloes with iron, In an otherwise healthy subject, apiol or the essential oil of penny. royal or of rue, savine or tansy; black cohosh; manganese dioxide (or potassium permanganate), taken for at least two weeks beiore the regular time for menstruation. When due to “cold,” the sitz bath and hot infusions of pennyroyal or similar herbs; quinine with aloes or rhubarb. Cotton-root bark, ergot and similar agents are to be used always with due caution.1

   Treatment varies with cause. Hematinic tonics are generally indicated. Eupeptic H ypop hosphites, Haemo-mangan with Arsenic, Elixir Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, Vitalic Hypophosphites, may be particularized. For remedies in sexual debility see Aphrodisiacs, but in most cases general roborant measures with moderation in sexual indul gence are all that is required.1

   In organic diseases of the heart. remedies must be adapted to symptoms presented. Digitalis and similar agents are to be used when increase of blood pressure is desired; strophanthus when increas ed pressure will do harm, while yet an arterial stimulant is needed; nitroglycerin to diminish arterial tension, aconite when the heart’s action is excessive. Functional disturbance of the heart calls for cardiac tonics when it arises from weakness, aconite in the rarer cases where the heart has been over developed by severe exercise that has been dis continued. Where palpitation arises from debility, general tonics are indicated, particularly nux vomica and iron. In cardiac failure, use diffusible stimulants, ammonia, ether and alcohol.1

   Physiological seminal emissions in unmarried men call for no treatment, although habitual chastily of thought, avoiding of late suppers and of leather beds will greatly diminish their frequency. Abnormally frequent emissions due to debility are to be treated by tonics—iron valerianate and lupulin is a good combination-—; if due to self abuse, impress patient with danger of the practice, and pre scribe bromides, hyoscine, a hard bed with light covering, etc.1

   If due to fermentation of food. regulate the diet and prescribe gastric antiseptics, or lavage. If from gastric irritability, sedative remedies are most effective; hydrocyanic acid, chloroform. cocaine, creosote, chloretone, bismuth; in extreme cases, aconite; it may be necessary to give the stomach complete rest, feeding the patient per rectum. When due to debility or exhaustion, as after excesses, the best remedies are; ipecac, in small doses (for its local stimulating action); nux vomica, arsenic (Fowler’s solution). Counter irrita tion by mustard leaves over the epigastrium is very serviceable. When the vomiting is centric, acetanilid in grain doses is an eficient remedy; potassium bromide, per rectum, may be given. In the vomiting of pregnancy, cerium oxalate, carbonated water; chloretone, cocaine, creosote, tincture iodine in small doses, potassium bromide and menthol are among the remedies that may give relief.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.