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What is sleep?

While you are sleeping, you are unconscious, but your brain and body functions are still active. Sleep is a complex biological process that helps you process new information, stay healthy, and feel rested.

During sleep, your brain cycles through five stages: stage 1, 2, 3, 4, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Different things happen during each stage. For example, you have a different pattern of brain waves during each one. Your breathing, heart, and temperature may be slower or faster in some stages. Certain phases of sleep help you :

  • Feel rested and energetic the next day
  • Learn information, get insight, and form memories
  • Give your heart and vascular system a rest
  • Release more growth hormone, which helps children grow. It also boosts muscle mass and the repair of cells and tissues in children and adults.
  • Release sex hormones, which contributes to puberty and fertility
  • Keep from getting sick or help you get better when you are sick, by creating more cytokines (hormones that help the immune system fight various infections)

You need all of the stages to get a healthy sleep.

How much sleep do I need?

The amount of sleep you need depends on several factors, including your age, lifestyle, health, and whether you have been getting enough sleep recently. The general recommendations for sleep are:

  • Newborns: 16-18 hours a day
  • Preschool-aged children: 11-12 hours a day
  • School-aged children: At least 10 hours a day
  • Teens: 9-10 hours a day
  • Adults (including older adults): 7-8 hours a day

During puberty, teenagers' biological clocks shift, and they are more likely to go to bed later than younger children and adults, and they tend to want to sleep later in the morning. This delayed sleep-wake rhythm conflicts with the early-morning start times of many high schools and helps explain why most teenagers do not get enough sleep.

Some people think that adults need less sleep as they age. But there is no evidence to show that older adults can get by with less sleep than people who are younger. As people age, however, they often get less sleep or they tend to spend less time in the deep, restful stage of sleep. Older adults are also more easily awakened.

And it's not just the number of hours of sleep you get that matters. The quality of the sleep you get is also important. People whose sleep is frequently interrupted or cut short might not get enough of certain stages of sleep.

If you are wondering whether you are getting enough sleep, including quality sleep, ask yourself:

  • Do you have trouble getting up in the morning?
  • Do you have trouble focusing during the day?
  • Do you doze off during the day?

If you answered yes to these three questions, you should work on improving your sleep.

What are the health effects of not getting enough sleep?

Sleep is important for overall health. When you don't get enough sleep (sleep deprivation), it does more than just make you feel tired. It can affect your performance, including your ability to think clearly, react quickly, and form memories. This may cause you to make bad decisions and take more risks. People with sleep deprivation are more likely to get into accidents.

Sleep deprivation can also affect your mood, leading to:

  • Irritability
  • Problems with relationships, especially for children and teenagers
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

It can also affect your physical health. Research shows that not getting enough sleep, or getting poor-quality sleep, increases your risk of:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes

Not getting enough sleep can also mean that you don't get enough of the hormones that help children grow and help adults and children build muscle mass, fight infections, and repair cells.

Sleep deprivation magnifies the effect of alcohol. A tired person who drinks too much alcohol will be more impaired than a well-rested person.

How can I get better sleep?

You can take steps to improve your sleep habits. First, make sure that you allow yourself enough time to sleep. With enough sleep each night, you may find that you're happier and more productive during the day.

To improve your sleep habits, it also may help to:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Avoid caffeine, especially in the afternoon and evening
  • Avoid nicotine
  • Exercise regularly, but don't exercise too late in the day
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed
  • Avoid large meals and beverages late at night
  • Don't take a nap after 3 p.m.
  • Relax before bed, for example by taking a bath, reading or listening to relaxing music
  • Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool
  • Get rid of distractions such as noises, bright lights, and a TV or computer in the bedroom. Also, don't be tempted to go on your phone or tablet just before bed.
  • Get enough sunlight exposure during the day
  • Don't lie in bed awake; if you can't sleep for 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing
  • See a doctor if you have continued trouble sleeping. You may have a sleep disorder, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. In some cases, your doctor may suggest trying over-the-counter or prescription sleep aid. In other cases, your doctor may want you to do a sleep study, to help diagnose the problem.

If you are a shift worker, it can be even harder to get a good sleep. You may also want to:

  • Take naps and increase the amount of time available for sleep
  • Keep the lights bright at work
  • Limit shift changes so your body clock can adjust
  • Limit caffeine use to the first part of your shift
  • Remove sound and light distractions in your bedroom during daytime sleep (for example, use light-blocking curtains)

Avoid FDA Approved Drugs

ESBRIET [PirfenidoneC12H11NO]
267mg (oral tablet)
801mg (oral tablet)
Genentech IncJan 11, 2017
0.0  (0)
side effects
0.0  (0)
0.0  (0)


HETLIOZ [TasimelteonC15H19NO2]
20mg (oral capsule)
Vanda Pharms IncJan 31, 2014
  • Treatment of non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder by avoiding the use of tasimelteon in combination with a strong cyp1a2 inhibitor.
  • Treatment of non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder by avoiding the use of tasimelteon in combination with fluvoxamine.
  • Treatment of non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder.
0.0  (0)
side effects
0.0  (0)
0.0  (0)


THALOMID [ThalidomideC13H10N2O4]
100mg (oral capsule)
150mg (oral capsule)
200mg (oral capsule)
CelgeneJan 17, 2003
  • Acute treatment of the cutaneous manifestations of moderate to severe erythema nodosum leprosum (enl).
  • Approval for marketing only under a special restriction program approved by fda called 'system for thalidomide education and prescribing safety' (s.t.e.p.s.).
  • Maintenance therapy for prevention and supression of the cutaneous manifestations of enl recurrence.
  • Method for delivering a drug to a patient in need of the drug, while avoiding the occurence of an adverse side effect known or suspected of being caused by said drug.
  • Treatment of cutaneous manifestations of erythema nodosum leprosum (enl) in connection with a special program approved by fda called 'system for thalidomide education and prescribing safety' (s.t.e.p.s.).
  • Treatment of male patient having a disease or condition responsive to a teratogenic drug.
  • Use in combination with dexamethasone is indicated for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
  • Use of thalidomide in combination with dexamethasone for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
  • Use of thalidomide in treatment of cutaneous manifestations of erythema nodosum leprosum (enl).
  • Use of thalidomide while preventing the exposure of a fetus or other contraindicated individual to thalidomide.
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for reference only. Many of these treatments may be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field. The owner of this website will not be held liable for any injuries and deaths cause by following any home remedies. We have no control of what is posted.

Home Remedies for Avoid

   Bergamot essential oil can treat a range of ailments, including helping to unclog pores. Avoid sunlight for 12 hours after using it on your skin.Sleslie | July 15th, 2018
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side effects
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0.0  (0)


WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Avoid

   The dried beetles, Cantharis vesicatoria (Linné), De Geer. (Ord. Coleoptera.) Southern Europe. Dose, 1 grain. Common Name: Spanish Fly; Synonym:... / ...ded stimulating diuretic and special sedative to the bladder. One must be very careful, however, to avoid irritant doses. It is the remedy for vesical irritation, to allay teasing desire to urinate an...1

   The ripe fruit, dried, of Capsicum frutescens, Linné (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). Tropical America; also cultivated in most tropical countries. Dose,... / ...t its effects are more or less permanent. Naturally it should be selected for atonic conditions and avoided where irritation or active inflammation is present. Nevertheless, in low grades of inflammat...1

   The leaves and branches of Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz and Pavon (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). A Chilean tree-like shrub. Common Name: Pichi. Principal... / ...ul in acute albuminuria, with blood in the urine, and due chiefly to renal hyperemia, but should be avoided in chronic nephritis. Pichi has no curative effects upon pathologic tissues, but is a remedy...1

   Croton Oil. A fixed oil expressed from the seeds of Croton Tiglium, Linné (Nat. Ord. Euphorbiaceae). East Indies and Molucca, and Philippine... / ...ecause it cannot be repeatedly administered without harm. Neither should it be used, if possible to avoid it, in children and the feeble and pregnant, nor where hemorrhoids, intestinal or renal inflam...1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Avoid

   The fruit of JUNIPERUs COMMUNIS, Lin. Stimulant diuretic. Much used in chronic affections of the genito-urinary tract; must be avoided while there is active inflammation. Active constituent the volatile oil, which is oflicial.2

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Avoid

   ...of the accident in such cases depends upon recognizing and removing the cause. The patient must be given the benefit of the best hygienic conditions; avoid irri tant cathartics, regulating the bowels with compound liquorice powder or cascara sagrada; prescribe Uterotonic, N., B. & Co. or other Uteri......nt cathartics, regulating the bowels with compound liquorice powder or cascara sagrada; prescribe Uterotonic, N., B. & Co. or other Uterine Sedative; avoid large doses of quinine. - If abortion seems imminent, keep the patient at rest and give an opiate (morphine hypodermatically or opium extract by...2

   If due to fermentation, use antacids as palliatives to relieve im mediate distress, but prescribe also gastric antiseptics. Avoid indigestible food, particularly lats. If acidity is irom hyper-secretion, the remedies are antacids and henbane, for its inhibitive action on the secretions. In chronic gastric catarrh, bismuth. silver nitrate, antacids combined with salines. In all severe cases. lavage is the most useful treatment.2

   Ascertain whether constitutional disease or disordered dhrestion is present and modify treatment accordingly. Arsenic is generally indicated. especially in combination... / sulphur. sulphur iodide, resor cin, ichthyol or Iodosyl. Give attention to the diet, which should be simple but nourishing. fats especially to be avoided.2

   Ascertain the cause. If due to constitutional taint, use altera tives. notably potassium iodide.... / ...ompound; if from auto-intoxication, a mercurial purge; ii from ex cess, Eupeptic Hypophosphites. glycerophosphates, strychnine and other tonics, with avoidance of cause; ii lrom tobacco or almhol, ab stain lrom these and use heart tonics, especially Elixir Digitalin Compound, N., B. dz Co.; if from ...2

   In intervals between attacks, prescribe a simple but nourishing diet with avoidance of all forms of excitement or violent... / In intervals between attacks, prescribe a simple but nourishing diet with avoidance of all forms of excitement or violent exertion; cardiac tonics, arsenic or as an alterative phosphorus. During at tack, amyl nitrite by inha... / ...spirit ether. Other remedies of value are antipyrin, injections of morphine and atropine and inhalations of oxygen.2

   When “bilious” attack is threatened give mercurous iodide, 1 gr. or calomel 2 to 5 grs. (or... / ...les mag nesia citrated). Often an emetic is the most eflicient remedy; ipecac followed by copious draught of tepid water. Between attacks, pre scribe avoidance of any food found to disagree with digestion; regu late bowels, using if necessary hepatic stimulants; insist on regular open air exercise, ...2

   In the incipient stage, quinine with a little Dover powder and a laxative may ward off the attack. If inflammatory action is... / ...r terebene, oil oi sandalwood, eucalyptol and similar remedies. Eucalyptol in spray or by inhalation is very eflicient. When there is hypersecretion, avoid ammonium chloride and use belladonna, strychnine and counter-irritation.2

   As prophylactic measures, avoid all uncooked foods, especiaHy water that has not been boiled; sulphuric acid lemonade. In early stage, camphor, salol and... / As prophylactic measures, avoid all uncooked foods, especiaHy water that has not been boiled; sulphuric acid lemonade. In early stage, camphor, salol and salophen; diluted sulp... / ...In stage of collapse stimulants and hot baths or hot water bed; strychnine and atropine hypodermatically; subcutaneous injection of normal salt solution.2

   During attack, patient may be placed in a hot bath, the atmosphere of the room being kept saturated with steam; as remedies, antimonial wine, a combination of chloral with bromides and bella donna, amyl nitrite, relaxants. Between attacks, general roborant treatment, pure air, avoidance of causes of irritation, bromides to diminish susceptibility.2

   In Acute Cystitis,... / ...ite and spirit of nitrous ether, supposi tories (or hot rectal injections) of belladonna or extract opium, hot sitz bath, Glyceroplasma over bladder. Avoid highly seasoned foods and remedies which may irritate the bladder. If urine becomes purulent, salol is useful. In Subacute Cystitis, Ze-an (whic... / ...with mercuric chloride, 1;10,000 or silver nitrate, 1;2500 is sometimes the best treatment.2

   The remedies commonly resorted to include; 1st... / ...ardiac or ar terial sedatives, particularly aconite, 2d antipyretics causing reduc tion of temperature, to be used always with due caution and wholly avoided in typhoid conditions, 3d applications of cold water which constitute a measure almost always serviceable, 4th sedatives and anodynes, which m...2

   The remedies most prescribed in the early stage are; aconlte and potassium citrate to control... / ...nalgesic action; quinine salicylate, aspirin, salicylic acid; calomel followed by a saline purge. The bronchitis must be treated in the usual manner, avoid ing depressing agents such as tartar emetic. Cannabis indica is a safe sedative in these cases. Combat the peculiar depression as the case progr...2

   Special care must be taken to avoid exposure to cold. Alcohol must be interdicted and the diet must be carefully regulated so as to throw as little burden as possible on the kidneys. Albumin may often be diminished by nitro-glycerine, sometimes by cantharides. As diuretics, digitalis, squill and calomel, digitalis and caffeine or juniper berries and potassium bitartrate have their uses.2

   Some physicians prescribe as a specific remedy sodium salicylate (2 gr. doses every hour), others chloral (2 to 4... / ...borax; vapors charged with eucalyptol. For the itch ing, local application of olive oil containing a little carbolic acid, menthol or salicylic acid. Avoid anything likely to cause renal irri tation; particularly guard against exposure to cold during convales cence.2

   Physiological seminal emissions in unmarried men call for no treatment, although habitual chastily of thought, avoiding of late suppers and of leather beds will greatly diminish their frequency. Abnormally frequent emissions due to debility are to be treated by tonics—iron valerianate and lupulin is a good combination-—; if due to self abuse, impress patient with danger of the practice, and pre scribe bromides, hyoscine, a hard bed with light covering, etc.2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.