Puffy Eyes
Surgeons can reshape the appearance of body parts through cosmetic surgery. Some of the most common body parts people want to improve through surgery include:
- Breasts: Increase or reduce the size of breasts or reshape sagging breasts
- Ears: Reduce the size of large ears or set protruding ears back closer to the head
- Eyes: Correct drooping upper eyelids or remove puffy bags below the eyes
- Face: Remove facial wrinkles, creases or acne scars
- Hair: Fill in balding areas with one's own hair
- Nose: Change the shape of the nose
- Tummy: Flatten the abdomen
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for reference only. Many of these treatments may be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field. The owner of this website will not be held liable for any injuries and deaths cause by following any home remedies. We have no control of what is posted.
Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes
   Tip a black tea bag into hot water for a minute or two, then cool in the refrigerator or freezer. Apply damp tea bags over closed eyes for approximately 10 minutes.Nobody | November 5th, 2017
   Tip a black tea bag into hot water for a minute or two, then cool in the refrigerator or freezer. Apply damp tea bags over closed eyes for approximately 10 minutes.Nobody | November 5th, 2017