Coughing is a reflex that keeps your throat and airways clear. Although it can be annoying, coughing helps your body heal or protect itself. Coughs can be either acute or chronic. Acute coughs begin suddenly and usually last no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Acute coughs are the kind you most often get with a cold, flu, or acute bronchitis. Chronic coughs last longer than 2 to 3 weeks. Causes of chronic cough include:
- Chronic bronchitis
- Asthma
- Allergies
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- Smoking
- Throat disorders, such as croup in young children
- Some medicines
Water can help ease your cough - whether you drink it or add it to the air with a steamy shower or vaporizer. If you have a cold or the flu, antihistamines may work better than non-prescription cough medicines. Children under four should not have cough medicine. For children over four, use caution and read labels carefully.
Cough FDA Approved Drugs
MUCINEX DM [Dextromethorphan HydrobromideC18H25NOBrHH2O : GuaifenesinC10H14O4]
- 30mg : 600mg (oral tablet, extended release)
60mg : 1.2gm (oral tablet, extended release)
Reckitt BenckiserApr 29, 2004
- Expectorant and cough suppressant.
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for reference only. Many of these treatments may be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field. The owner of this website will not be held liable for any injuries and deaths cause by following any home remedies. We have no control of what is posted.
Home Remedies for Cough
COUGH [tussis]
   Consume two squares of dark chocolate. For children's nocturnal cough, give 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey and 500 mg of Ester C before bed. For children over 1 year old.Jack | November 4th, 2017
   Consume two squares of dark chocolate. For children's nocturnal cough, give 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey and 500 mg of Ester C before bed. For children over 1 year old.Jack | November 4th, 2017
SORE THROAT [Pharyngitis]
   Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) has been used to treat coughs for a long time. Steep 1 tablespoon of horehound in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Gargle with the strained tea. Sweeten with honey if desired. Alternatively, Horehound cough drops can be purchased commercially. Use as directed.Antonchekov | August 11th, 2020
   Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) has been used to treat coughs for a long time. Steep 1 tablespoon of horehound in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Gargle with the strained tea. Sweeten with honey if desired. Alternatively, Horehound cough drops can be purchased commercially. Use as directed.Antonchekov | August 11th, 2020
COLDS COUGH FEVER [acute viral rhinopharyngitis - acute cor]
   Garlic has been used for colds, bronchial problems, coughs and fevers throughout history. It is a blood thinner and lowers cholesterol.
In a... / Garlic has been used for colds, bronchial problems, coughs and fevers throughout history. It is a blood thinner and lowers cholesterol.
In a blender, chop 3 garlic cloves and 1/2 a lemon (including ... / ...does not exist in garlic until it is crushed or cut. Crushing the garlic bulb activates the enzyme allinase which metabolizes alliin to allicin.NathanielHawthorne | August 13th, 2020
   Garlic has been used for colds, bronchial problems, coughs and fevers throughout history. It is a blood thinner and lowers cholesterol.
In a... / Garlic has been used for colds, bronchial problems, coughs and fevers throughout history. It is a blood thinner and lowers cholesterol.
In a blender, chop 3 garlic cloves and 1/2 a lemon (including ... / ...does not exist in garlic until it is crushed or cut. Crushing the garlic bulb activates the enzyme allinase which metabolizes alliin to allicin.NathanielHawthorne | August 13th, 2020
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Felter's Materia Medica on Cough
ABIES (Tsuga canadensis)TSCA
   ...scular weakness, and pale and relaxed mucosa; broncho-pulmonic irritation, with profuse secretions; coughs and colds; pyrosis with gastric irritation, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Contraindicated in infla...... erigeron and similar preparations. Both the specific medicine and the oil may be incorporated into cough medicines, to be used where there is excessive secretion of mucus and the cough is largely pre...3
   ...scular weakness, and pale and relaxed mucosa; broncho-pulmonic irritation, with profuse secretions; coughs and colds; pyrosis with gastric irritation, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Contraindicated in infla...... erigeron and similar preparations. Both the specific medicine and the oil may be incorporated into cough medicines, to be used where there is excessive secretion of mucus and the cough is largely pre...3
   The dried gummy exudate of Acacia Senegal, Willdenow; and of some other African species of Acacia. (Nat. Ord. Leguminosae.) Eastern Africa... / ...tated and inflamed membranes, and for this purpose is frequently used in medicinal preparations for coughs, colds, hoarseness, pharyngitis, gastric irritation and inflammation, diarrhea, dysentery, ar... / irritant and corrosive poisons. Acacia may be given freely and at pleasure, in the form of owder, troches, mucilage, or syrup, as desired. 3
   The dried gummy exudate of Acacia Senegal, Willdenow; and of some other African species of Acacia. (Nat. Ord. Leguminosae.) Eastern Africa... / ...tated and inflamed membranes, and for this purpose is frequently used in medicinal preparations for coughs, colds, hoarseness, pharyngitis, gastric irritation and inflammation, diarrhea, dysentery, ar... / irritant and corrosive poisons. Acacia may be given freely and at pleasure, in the form of owder, troches, mucilage, or syrup, as desired. 3
   ...d colicky pain near the umbilicus; dyspnea and constriction of the respiratory tract with spasmodic cough. Action.The dried, powdered fruit of the buckeye causes violent sneezing. Buckeye acts power......ere is a sense of constriction back of the upper portion of the sternum, with or without irritative cough, that is relieved by it. It is useful in intestinal irritability with the contractive colic-li...3
   ...d colicky pain near the umbilicus; dyspnea and constriction of the respiratory tract with spasmodic cough. Action.The dried, powdered fruit of the buckeye causes violent sneezing. Buckeye acts power......ere is a sense of constriction back of the upper portion of the sternum, with or without irritative cough, that is relieved by it. It is useful in intestinal irritability with the contractive colic-li...3
   The fresh bulb of Allium Cepa, Linné (Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). Common in cultivation everywhere. Common Name: Onion. Principal Constituent.A... / ...uretic. A syrup of onion, prepared by drawing the juice with sugar, is a very effectual expectorant cough medicine for infants, young children, and old persons. If given in moderate quantities it is v... / ...pus, and mucus. The dose is from 5 to 10 drops in water. It is sometimes given with an equal quantity of tincture of Xanthium Strumarium. 3
   The fresh bulb of Allium Cepa, Linné (Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). Common in cultivation everywhere. Common Name: Onion. Principal Constituent.A... / ...uretic. A syrup of onion, prepared by drawing the juice with sugar, is a very effectual expectorant cough medicine for infants, young children, and old persons. If given in moderate quantities it is v... / ...pus, and mucus. The dose is from 5 to 10 drops in water. It is sometimes given with an equal quantity of tincture of Xanthium Strumarium. 3
   The decorticated dried root of Althaea officinalis, Linné (Nat. Ord. Malvaceae), a plant of salt marshes, river banks, and moist, sandy soils.... / and demulcent diuretic employed to soothe irritated and inflamed mucous surfaces, in hoarseness, cough due to faucial irritation, gastro-intestinal irritation and inflammation, and as a soothing dr... / needed, a decoction. It may be given freely. A syrup of marshmallow is a good vehicle for pectoral medication. 3
   The decorticated dried root of Althaea officinalis, Linné (Nat. Ord. Malvaceae), a plant of salt marshes, river banks, and moist, sandy soils.... / and demulcent diuretic employed to soothe irritated and inflamed mucous surfaces, in hoarseness, cough due to faucial irritation, gastro-intestinal irritation and inflammation, and as a soothing dr... / needed, a decoction. It may be given freely. A syrup of marshmallow is a good vehicle for pectoral medication. 3
   The leaves and bark of the twigs of Amygdalus Persica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae). Native to Persia. Cultivated everywhere. Common Name: Peach... / ...eeded and failed with it according to the cause of the gastric disturbance. It is of less value for cough than wild cherry or hydrocyanic acid. For the latter the infusion or the specific medicine may...3
   The leaves and bark of the twigs of Amygdalus Persica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae). Native to Persia. Cultivated everywhere. Common Name: Peach... / ...eeded and failed with it according to the cause of the gastric disturbance. It is of less value for cough than wild cherry or hydrocyanic acid. For the latter the infusion or the specific medicine may...3
   The root of Anemopsis californica, Hooker (Nat. Ord. Saururaceae). A native perennial of wet places in Southern California and Northern Mexico.... / ...he respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinal tracts. It has given good results in bronchial cough and nasal catarrh. In the latter affection, Munk uses it largely as a spray to the nose and th...3
   The root of Anemopsis californica, Hooker (Nat. Ord. Saururaceae). A native perennial of wet places in Southern California and Northern Mexico.... / ...he respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinal tracts. It has given good results in bronchial cough and nasal catarrh. In the latter affection, Munk uses it largely as a spray to the nose and th...3
ANISUM (Pimpinella anisum)PIAN3
   The dried ripe fruit of Pimpinella Anisum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Umbelliferae). Egypt and Western Asia; cultivated in Southern Europe. Dose, 5 to 40... / ...of Opium), and is largely used to impart to or correct flavor in medicinal preparations, especially cough mixtures. For infants the infusion is the best preparation and it should not be sweetened. The...3
   The dried ripe fruit of Pimpinella Anisum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Umbelliferae). Egypt and Western Asia; cultivated in Southern Europe. Dose, 5 to 40... / ...of Opium), and is largely used to impart to or correct flavor in medicinal preparations, especially cough mixtures. For infants the infusion is the best preparation and it should not be sweetened. The...3
   The root of Apocynum cannabinum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Apocynaceae) gathered in autumn after the leaves and fruit have matured. Grows throughout the... / ...icuspid regurgitation, with rapid and weak heart action, low arterial tension, difficult breathing, cough, and tendency to cyanosis. Action.Apocynum acts powerfully upon the heart, slowing its actio... / ...may be looked for. Under these circumstances we have removed enormous dropsical swellings with it, giving quick relief from dyspnea and3
   The root of Apocynum cannabinum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Apocynaceae) gathered in autumn after the leaves and fruit have matured. Grows throughout the... / ...icuspid regurgitation, with rapid and weak heart action, low arterial tension, difficult breathing, cough, and tendency to cyanosis. Action.Apocynum acts powerfully upon the heart, slowing its actio... / ...may be looked for. Under these circumstances we have removed enormous dropsical swellings with it, giving quick relief from dyspnea and3
   ...ecific Medicine Spikenard. Dose, 5 to 40 drops in syrup or water. Specific Indications.Irritative cough of debility with excessive secretion. Action and Therapy.A pleasant aromatic stimulating exp......ion and Therapy.A pleasant aromatic stimulating expectorant for chronic pulmonic affections, with cough from marked irritation and excessive catarrhal secretions. The syrup is a really valuable coug......d subjects. When used in very small amounts the specific medicine is an agreeable flavor for syrupy cough mixtures. A number of apocryphal uses have been recorded for it, but outside of its good effec...3
   ...ecific Medicine Spikenard. Dose, 5 to 40 drops in syrup or water. Specific Indications.Irritative cough of debility with excessive secretion. Action and Therapy.A pleasant aromatic stimulating exp......ion and Therapy.A pleasant aromatic stimulating expectorant for chronic pulmonic affections, with cough from marked irritation and excessive catarrhal secretions. The syrup is a really valuable coug......d subjects. When used in very small amounts the specific medicine is an agreeable flavor for syrupy cough mixtures. A number of apocryphal uses have been recorded for it, but outside of its good effec...3
ASAFOETIDA (Ferula fetida)
   ...o-intestinal irritation, with flatulence and palpitation of the heart; dry, deep, choking bronchial cough (American Dispensatory). Action.Asafetida is a general excitant causing quickened breathin......ecretion is free but the power to expectorate is weak. It is also an ideal sedative for the nervous cough following the active stage of whooping cough. It relieves the nervous irritability of dentitio...3
   ...o-intestinal irritation, with flatulence and palpitation of the heart; dry, deep, choking bronchial cough (American Dispensatory). Action.Asafetida is a general excitant causing quickened breathin......ecretion is free but the power to expectorate is weak. It is also an ideal sedative for the nervous cough following the active stage of whooping cough. It relieves the nervous irritability of dentitio...3
   ... warm infusion is a very good diaphoretic with which to break up a cold. Asarum may be added to cough mixtures, and with syrup forms a very agreeable vehicle for the administration of pectoral med......rms a very agreeable vehicle for the administration of pectoral medicines to be used in the chronic coughs of debility to aid expectoration. It is contraindicated by gastro-intestinal inflammation. 3
   ... warm infusion is a very good diaphoretic with which to break up a cold. Asarum may be added to cough mixtures, and with syrup forms a very agreeable vehicle for the administration of pectoral med......rms a very agreeable vehicle for the administration of pectoral medicines to be used in the chronic coughs of debility to aid expectoration. It is contraindicated by gastro-intestinal inflammation. 3
   ...raindicated in acute respiratory affections. In acute chest diseases asclepias is useful to control cough, pain, temperature, to favor expectoration, and restore checked perspiration. When cough is dr......ronchial secretion, asclepias stimulates the latter and thus relieves the irritation upon which the cough depends. In chest disorders requiring asclepias our experience verifies the classic indication......more or less febrile reaction. In chest disorders there is pain upon motion pleural painand the cough is short, hacking, barking, rasping, and nervous-and restrained as much as possible on account...3
   ...raindicated in acute respiratory affections. In acute chest diseases asclepias is useful to control cough, pain, temperature, to favor expectoration, and restore checked perspiration. When cough is dr......ronchial secretion, asclepias stimulates the latter and thus relieves the irritation upon which the cough depends. In chest disorders requiring asclepias our experience verifies the classic indication......more or less febrile reaction. In chest disorders there is pain upon motion pleural painand the cough is short, hacking, barking, rasping, and nervous-and restrained as much as possible on account...3
   ...s cyanotic; pulse small, soft and compressible, irregular or intermittent; cardiac palpitation with cough. Action.The various alkaloids of quebracho act more or less antagonistically to each other, ......hthisis, bronchial asthma and uncomplicated asthma with insufficient cardiac force. It relieves the cough of la grippe, when associated with dyspnoea. From 5 to 60 drops of the fluidextract may be giv...3
   ...s cyanotic; pulse small, soft and compressible, irregular or intermittent; cardiac palpitation with cough. Action.The various alkaloids of quebracho act more or less antagonistically to each other, ......hthisis, bronchial asthma and uncomplicated asthma with insufficient cardiac force. It relieves the cough of la grippe, when associated with dyspnoea. From 5 to 60 drops of the fluidextract may be giv...3
   The fungus Polyporus officinalis, Fries (Boletus laricis, jacquin).... / ... cases of impaired nutrition with feeble cerebral circulation. To some extent it controls diarrhea, cough, hectic fever, rapid circulation, and the profuse night-sweats of phthisis. The dose for these......y called, is one of the most effectual of antihydrotics. In 113 grain doses it controls the thirst, cough, and the excessive sweating of consumptives.3
   The fungus Polyporus officinalis, Fries (Boletus laricis, jacquin).... / ... cases of impaired nutrition with feeble cerebral circulation. To some extent it controls diarrhea, cough, hectic fever, rapid circulation, and the profuse night-sweats of phthisis. The dose for these......y called, is one of the most effectual of antihydrotics. In 113 grain doses it controls the thirst, cough, and the excessive sweating of consumptives.3
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Physician's Materia Medica on Cough
   A gummy e rudate from the trunk and branches of ACACIA SENE GAL, Willd. and other species of Acacia. Demulcent; sometimes prescribed in cough mixtures. The oflicial preparations are Mucilage Acacia (21 3-5 grs.) and Syrup Acacia (5 2-5 grs.). which should always be prepared fresh when wanted for internal use.4
   A gummy e rudate from the trunk and branches of ACACIA SENE GAL, Willd. and other species of Acacia. Demulcent; sometimes prescribed in cough mixtures. The oflicial preparations are Mucilage Acacia (21 3-5 grs.) and Syrup Acacia (5 2-5 grs.). which should always be prepared fresh when wanted for internal use.4
   Sedative and antispasmodic, the most rapidly fatal of all poisons. Prescribed often for irritative coughs, for gastralgia and enteralgia; topically applied to relieve itching. It is potentially a natural con stituent of Wild Cherry bark. Dose of the oficial diluted acid (2%), 0.06 to 0.3 c. c. (1 to 5 M).4
   Sedative and antispasmodic, the most rapidly fatal of all poisons. Prescribed often for irritative coughs, for gastralgia and enteralgia; topically applied to relieve itching. It is potentially a natural con stituent of Wild Cherry bark. Dose of the oficial diluted acid (2%), 0.06 to 0.3 c. c. (1 to 5 M).4
   The seed of PRUNUs AMYGDALUs, Baill; The bitter variety is powerfully sedative by reason of the hydrocyanic acid (q. v.) and volatile oil which it potentially contains. The volatile oil is .used as a flavoring agent, and medicinally as a sedative in cough mixtures, but is of very uncertain composition. It is prescribed in doses of 0.015 to 0.06 c. c. (% to 1 IW,. The fixed oil is emollient and is the princi pal constituent of cold cream.4
   The seed of PRUNUs AMYGDALUs, Baill; The bitter variety is powerfully sedative by reason of the hydrocyanic acid (q. v.) and volatile oil which it potentially contains. The volatile oil is .used as a flavoring agent, and medicinally as a sedative in cough mixtures, but is of very uncertain composition. It is prescribed in doses of 0.015 to 0.06 c. c. (% to 1 IW,. The fixed oil is emollient and is the princi pal constituent of cold cream.4
AMMOMIUM PICRATE (Ammonium Carbazotate.)
   Antiperiodic, antispasmodic. Used in whooping cough. Dose, 0.008 to 0.06 Grm. (% to 1 gr.).4
   Antiperiodic, antispasmodic. Used in whooping cough. Dose, 0.008 to 0.06 Grm. (% to 1 gr.).4
   Antispasmodic, reducing arterial tension and so causing momen tary acceleration of the heart beat. Used chiefly by inhalation to relax spasm, notably in asthma, in whooping cough. in spasmodic croup, in epileptic seizures, in tetanus and strychnine poisoning and in spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is a valuable agent also in angina pec toris and in sudden heart failure, but must be used always intelli gently and with due caution remembering that it is a depressant, not a stimulant. Dose. usually 0.13 4
   Antispasmodic, reducing arterial tension and so causing momen tary acceleration of the heart beat. Used chiefly by inhalation to relax spasm, notably in asthma, in whooping cough. in spasmodic croup, in epileptic seizures, in tetanus and strychnine poisoning and in spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is a valuable agent also in angina pec toris and in sudden heart failure, but must be used always intelli gently and with due caution remembering that it is a depressant, not a stimulant. Dose. usually 0.13 4
ANTIPYRIN (Phenazone)
   Chemical name Phenyldimethylpyrazolon. Antipyretic, anal gesic, locally hemostatic. Used chiefly for relief of pain of a non-in fiammatory character, as in neuralgic affections and in locomotor ataxia. It often gives relief in whooping cough, and is a valuable remedy in epilepsy. Locally it is used with advantage in acute coryza and in hemorrhoids, associated generally with cocaine. Dose. 0.2 to 0.3 Grm. (3 to 5 grs.), which may be increased if the remedy is well borne.4
   Chemical name Phenyldimethylpyrazolon. Antipyretic, anal gesic, locally hemostatic. Used chiefly for relief of pain of a non-in fiammatory character, as in neuralgic affections and in locomotor ataxia. It often gives relief in whooping cough, and is a valuable remedy in epilepsy. Locally it is used with advantage in acute coryza and in hemorrhoids, associated generally with cocaine. Dose. 0.2 to 0.3 Grm. (3 to 5 grs.), which may be increased if the remedy is well borne.4
   The rhizome of TRILLIUM 1:uEc'rUM, Lin. Tonic, astringent, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmmlic. Used to relieve spasmodic cough, to restrain hemorrhage and to facilitate parturition.4
   The rhizome of TRILLIUM 1:uEc'rUM, Lin. Tonic, astringent, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmmlic. Used to relieve spasmodic cough, to restrain hemorrhage and to facilitate parturition.4
   Since the medicinal action of the several alkaline bromides is es sentially the same, and they are frequently prescribed in combina tion, they are grouped here under a single head. They are sedative to the cerebro-spinal centers and hence employed in epilepsy, in in fantile convulsions, in tetanus, in strychnine poisoning, in whooping cough and generally for quieting nervous excitement and in particu lar sexual erethism. In epilepsy a combination of two or more brom ides often gives better resul4
   Since the medicinal action of the several alkaline bromides is es sentially the same, and they are frequently prescribed in combina tion, they are grouped here under a single head. They are sedative to the cerebro-spinal centers and hence employed in epilepsy, in in fantile convulsions, in tetanus, in strychnine poisoning, in whooping cough and generally for quieting nervous excitement and in particu lar sexual erethism. In epilepsy a combination of two or more brom ides often gives better resul4
   A heavy liquid resembling chloroform in odor and taste and hav ing similar medicinal properties. It is prescribed especially as a remedy for spasmodic coughs, particularly for whooping cough. Dose, 0.06 to 0.30 c. c. (1 to 5 M).4
   A heavy liquid resembling chloroform in odor and taste and hav ing similar medicinal properties. It is prescribed especially as a remedy for spasmodic coughs, particularly for whooping cough. Dose, 0.06 to 0.30 c. c. (1 to 5 M).4
   Each fluidrachm contains; Bromoform, 1 drop; Ipecac, 1-16 gr.; Ammonium Bromide, 3 grs.; Benzoin, % gr. A bronchial sedative particularly adapted to the requirements of children; especially eflicacious in infantile croup (not membranous) and in whooping cough. Although intended particularly for children, it will be found useful also in relieving troublesome irritative and spasmodic cough in adults. Dose for a child ten years old, 4 c. c. (a fluidrachm), to be repeated every two hours. In whoopin4
   Each fluidrachm contains; Bromoform, 1 drop; Ipecac, 1-16 gr.; Ammonium Bromide, 3 grs.; Benzoin, % gr. A bronchial sedative particularly adapted to the requirements of children; especially eflicacious in infantile croup (not membranous) and in whooping cough. Although intended particularly for children, it will be found useful also in relieving troublesome irritative and spasmodic cough in adults. Dose for a child ten years old, 4 c. c. (a fluidrachm), to be repeated every two hours. In whoopin4
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Cough
   In the incipient stage, quinine with a little Dover powder and a laxative may ward off the... / ...As expectorants use ammonium chloride, ammonium carbonate, lobelia, senega, etc., combining these with henbane, heroine or codeine to allay excessive cough. As case progresses, use terpin hydrate or terebene, oil oi sandalwood, eucalyptol and similar remedies. Eucalyptol in spray or by inhalation is...4
   In the incipient stage, quinine with a little Dover powder and a laxative may ward off the... / ...As expectorants use ammonium chloride, ammonium carbonate, lobelia, senega, etc., combining these with henbane, heroine or codeine to allay excessive cough. As case progresses, use terpin hydrate or terebene, oil oi sandalwood, eucalyptol and similar remedies. Eucalyptol in spray or by inhalation is...4
   For a dry cough, ipecac and ammonium chloride are the best remedies; for spasmodic cough, chloroform, bromoform, hydrocyanic acid; for irritative cough, henbane, heroine, codeine, morphine; for chronic cough, terpin hydrate, terebene, benzoic acid.4
   For a dry cough, ipecac and ammonium chloride are the best remedies; for spasmodic cough, chloroform, bromoform, hydrocyanic acid; for irritative cough, henbane, heroine, codeine, morphine; for chronic cough, terpin hydrate, terebene, benzoic acid.4
   When connected with faulty digestion, direct treatment to cause. Remedies in mild cases are tincture capsicum, Hoffmanrfis Anodyne, spirit chloroform, valerianates, spirit camphor; in severe cases, musk (10 grain doses, best given per rectum), amyl nitrite, enema of sodium bromide and deodorized tincture opium.4
   When connected with faulty digestion, direct treatment to cause. Remedies in mild cases are tincture capsicum, Hoffmanrfis Anodyne, spirit chloroform, valerianates, spirit camphor; in severe cases, musk (10 grain doses, best given per rectum), amyl nitrite, enema of sodium bromide and deodorized tincture opium.4
   Of the numerous remedies prescribed in whooping cough, those which have given best satisfaction are; Bromoform (conveniently in form of Bromofonn... / Of the numerous remedies prescribed in whooping cough, those which have given best satisfaction are; Bromoform (conveniently in form of Bromofonn Bronchial Anodyne, N., B. & Co.); antipyrin, which m... / the most effective remedy, although not always practicable. In severe paroxysms, a little chloroform or amyl nitrite by inhalation gives relief.4
   Of the numerous remedies prescribed in whooping cough, those which have given best satisfaction are; Bromoform (conveniently in form of Bromofonn... / Of the numerous remedies prescribed in whooping cough, those which have given best satisfaction are; Bromoform (conveniently in form of Bromofonn Bronchial Anodyne, N., B. & Co.); antipyrin, which m... / the most effective remedy, although not always practicable. In severe paroxysms, a little chloroform or amyl nitrite by inhalation gives relief.4
   In Pulmonary Tuberculosis pure fresh air is the most important remedy. Let the patient live out... / Creosote may prescribed, but the quantity of creosote should be progressively in_ creased. Treat symptoms as they arise on general principles. The cough may often be relieved by cannabis indica or by heroine, hydrocyanic acid and chloroform. Laryngeal Tuberculosis may be treated by insufliations ...4
   In Pulmonary Tuberculosis pure fresh air is the most important remedy. Let the patient live out... / Creosote may prescribed, but the quantity of creosote should be progressively in_ creased. Treat symptoms as they arise on general principles. The cough may often be relieved by cannabis indica or by heroine, hydrocyanic acid and chloroform. Laryngeal Tuberculosis may be treated by insufliations ...4
1) Bergner, Pal., Griswold, Alexandra F., Hufford, David J., et al. . Morton Grove, Il: Publications International, 2017.
2) Motteshard, Tammy D. "The Benefits Of The Use Of Garlic In Herbal Preparations: Chemical Constituents",
3) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
4) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.
2) Motteshard, Tammy D. "The Benefits Of The Use Of Garlic In Herbal Preparations: Chemical Constituents",
3) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
4) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.