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Tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. About half of the people who don't quit smoking will die of smoking-related problems. Quitting smoking is important for your health.

Soon after you quit, your circulation begins to improve, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal. Your sense of smell and taste return, and it's easier for you to breathe. In the long term, giving up tobacco can help you live longer. Your risk of getting cancer decreases with each year you stay smoke-free.

Quitting is not easy. You may have short-term effects such as weight gain, irritability, and anxiety. Some people try several times before they succeed. There are many ways to quit smoking. Some people stop "cold turkey." Others benefit from step-by-step manuals, counseling, or medicines or products that help reduce nicotine addiction. Some people think that switching to e-cigarettes can help you quit smoking, but that has not been proven. Your health care provider can help you find the best way for you to quit.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

Craving FDA Approved Drugs

NICODERM CQ [NicotineC10H14N2]
14mg/24hr (transdermal film, extended release)
21mg/24hr (transdermal film, extended release)
7mg/24hr (transdermal film, extended release)
Sanofi Aventis UsAug 2, 1996
  • A method to reduce withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving, associated with smoking cessation.
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side effects
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Craving

   The wood of Picrasma excelsa (Swartz), Planchon (Nat. Ord. Simarubaceae). A tall tree of Jamaica and neighboring islands. Dose, 10 to 30... / ...of the most useful agents to remove ascarides. An acidulated infusion may be employed to lessen the craving for alcoholics. For this purpose the wood may be extracted with vinegar and administered in ... / ...must not be exceeded. Even rectal injections of it have caused collapse in a child. Having no tannin, quassia may be given with iron, if desired.1

   The dried bark of the root of Viburnum prunifolium, LinnĂ©. The U.S.P. admits the dried bark of this and also of the Viburnum Lentago, LinnĂ©, or... / sedative for spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Black haw is of very great value in treating those having a craving for alcoholic drinks. The specific medicine black haw, with essence of cinnamon or of cloves...1


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.