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Tumors are abnormal growths in your body. They can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer. Malignant ones are. Benign tumors grow only in one place. They cannot spread or invade other parts of your body. Even so, they can be dangerous if they press on vital organs, such as your brain.

Tumors are made up of extra cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as your body needs them. When cells grow old, they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes, this process goes wrong. New cells form when your body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form tumor.

Treatment often involves surgery. Benign tumors usually don't grow back.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

Divide FDA Approved Drugs

EQUETRO [CarbamazepineC15H12N2O]
100mg (oral capsule, extended release)
200mg (oral capsule, extended release)
300mg (oral capsule, extended release)
Validus PharmsDec 10, 2004
  • The recommended initial dose of equetro is 400mg/day given in divided doses, twice daily. the dose should be adjusted in 200mg daily increments to achieve optimal clinical response..
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side effects
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PROCYSBI [Cysteamine BitartrateC4H6O6C2H7NS]
eq 25mg base (oral capsule, delayed release)
eq 75mg base (oral capsule, delayed release)
Horizon Pharma UsaApr 30, 2013
  • Management of nephropathic cystinosis by administering a total daily dose in two divided doses.
0.0  (0)
side effects
0.0  (0)
0.0  (0)


WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Divide

   The ripe fruit and bark of (1) Crataegus Oxyacantha, LinnĂ©, and (2) other species of Crataegus. (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae) 1. England and other parts... / ...position in cardiac therapy, though recognized to some extent as a general tonic. Investigators are divided as to its activity, some claiming it only as a functional remedy, while others go so far as ... / ...trial; and as yet with no rational explanation of its reputed powers. The smaller doses are suggested as more likely to succeed than full doses.1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Divide

   Treatment is somewhat empirical, the remedies most used being sodium phosphate (20 to 120 grs. two or three times a day), hydrastis, iodoform, citric acid, pilocarpine and salol. When due to catarrh of the duct, calomel and sodium bicarbonate in divided doses followed by a saline cathartic.2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.