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When you come in direct contact with electricity, it can pass through your body and cause injuries. These electrical injuries can be external or internal. You may have one or both types. External injuries are skin burns. Internal injuries include damage to your organs, bones, muscles, and nerves. You could also have abnormal heart rhythms and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

How bad your injuries are depends on how strong the electric current was, what type of current it was, how it moved through your body, and how long you were exposed. Other factors include how healthy you are, and how quickly you get treatment.

Causes of electrical injuries include:

  • Lightning strikes
  • Faulty electrical appliances
  • Work-related exposures
  • Contact with household wiring or power lines
  • Accidents in small children, when they bite or suck on electrical cords, or stick objects in outlets

If you get an electrical injury, you should see a doctor. You may have internal damage and not realize it.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Electric

   Blood pressure must be reduced by ve-nesection, if the case ad mits it, by action of a rapid purge of croton oil or elaterium or by arterial... / ...(a week or more after the stroke) potassium iodide in full doses. The paralysis is to be treated on general principles by massage, pas sive exercise, electricity, strychnine, the last to be used with due cau tion.1

   For immediate relief, prescribe acetanilid, phenacetin or anti pyrin usually conjoined with... / bro mide, sometimes gelsemium or cannabis indica; locally, liniments of aconite or chloroform; menthol, chloride of methyl spray; applica tions of electricity; hypodermatic injections of morphine and atropine (only when nothing else will serve). .In the general treatment, strychnine, arsenic and ...1

   The remedies indicated are tonics and poborants; hypophosphites (Eupeptic or Vitalic), glycerophosphates, phosphorus, hematics, arse nic; Solution Gold and Arsenic Bromide, N., B. & Co. Change of oc cupation and scene, exercise in the open air as it can be borne, electricity, are often of more value than medication.1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.