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Motion sickness is a common problem in people traveling by car, train, airplanes, and especially boats. Anyone can get it, but it is more common in children, pregnant women, and people taking certain medicines. Motion sickness can start suddenly, with a queasy feeling and cold sweats. It can then lead to dizziness and nausea and vomiting.

Your brain senses movement by getting signals from your inner ears, eyes, muscles, and joints. When it gets signals that do not match, you can get motion sickness. For example, if you are reading on your phone while riding a bus, your eyes are focused on something that is not moving, but your inner ear senses motion.

Where you sit can make a difference. The front seat of a car, forward cars of a train, upper deck on a boat or wing seats in a plane may give you a smoother ride. Looking out into the distance - instead of trying to read or look at something in the vehicle - can also help.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Motion

ASAFOETIDA (Ferula fetida)
   A gum-resin derived from the rhizome and rootlets of Ferula Asafetida, Linné; Ferula foetida, Regel, and other species of Ferula (Nat. Ord.... / spasmodic affections. It is especially adapted to neurotic individuals subject to hysterical or emotional attacks, usually attended by flatulent distention of the abdomen. In gastric discomfort wit... / ...or tardy or imperfect menstruation. Asafetida is contraindicated by inflammation. It may be given in emulsion, tincture, or pill or capsule. 1

   ...ecific Indications.— “Pulse strong, vibratile; skin moist; pain acute, and seemingly dependent on motion” (Scudder). Skin hot and dry, or inclined to moisture; urine scanty; face flushed; vascular ......arly, marked restlessness, and more or less febrile reaction. In chest disorders there is pain upon motion— pleural pain—and the cough is short, hacking, barking, rasping, and nervous-and restrained...1

   ...erness on pressure; tearing pain with sore feeling in any part of the body and always aggravated by motion; moderately full or hard wiry vibratile pulse; headache from frontal region to occiput; soren...... weak and perspires readily upon the slightest movement. The stereotyped assertion, “aggravated by motion,” and learned by us from the Homeopaths, is a true dictum when applied to bryonia cases. Tho......rsh, harassing cough. Bryonia is an excellent agent for cough brought on by use of the voice, or by motion of any kind, as walking, swallowing food, entering a warm room, and for that form of cough in...1

   The dried flowering tops of the female plant of Cannabis sativa, Linné, or the variety indica, Lamarck (Nat. Ord. Cannabinaceae). Asia, East... / ...peculiarities of the patient, and with his environment. Almost invariably they are pleasurable. An emotional state of happiness even to ecstacy is experienced, with an endless procession of beautiful ... / ...of the urino-genital tract and relieves pain. For the first condition it is invaluable in more or less painful conditions in which opium see1

   The full grown fruit, gathered green, of Conium maculatum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Umbelliferae). Europe and Asia; naturalized in the United... / ...ation. Toxic amounts cause staggering gait, muscular heaviness and prostration, with failure of locomotion, ascending paralysis, difficult and labored articulation, dyspnea, dilated pupils, palpebral ... / applied and be given to relieve pain even when a cure is not possible. It relieves the pain of swollen mammae during the menstrual periods a1

   The dried rhizome and roots of Gelsemium sempervirens (Linné,) Aiton (Nat. Ord. Loganiaceae). Dose, 1/10 to 1 grain. Common Names: Yellow... / ... its dominant action occurs, that of expending its force on the motor neurons, causing paralysis of motion. Sometimes this sequence is reversed. Upon the higher brain it has but slight effect, but up... / ...great restlessness and excitation” are the classic indications for it as first formulated by Scudder, and these stand among the truest of speci1

   The rhizome and roots of Iris versicolor, Linné (Nat. Ord. Iridaceae). Common in wet places in the United States. Dose, 5 to 20 grains. Common... / ...pecially effective. In hepatic congestion, with constipation, and sharp-cutting pains, increased by motion, iris frequently gives relief. When constipation depends upon hepatic and intestinal torpor a... / 1 to 5 drop doses of specific medicine iris.1

   The bark and aments of Salix nigra, Linné (Nat. Ord. Salicaceae); United States, particularly along streams in New York and Pennsylvania. Common... / ...tion. In well indicated cases it proves a decided and valuable anaphrodisiac and tonic. The mental emotions play a lesser part in the disorders requiring salix nigra, but when the genital tract is sen... / ...the reproductive tract when pollutions are the result of sexual intemperance, libidinous thoughts by day, and lascivious dreams by night.1


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.