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If you spend time outdoors, chances are you have been bothered by poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac at some point. Most people are sensitive to the plants' oily sap. The sap is in the root, stems, leaves and fruit of these plants. If it gets on your skin, it causes a blistering skin rash. The rash can range from mild to severe, depending on how much sap gets on your skin and how sensitive you are to it. Problems can also happen if the plants are burned. Airborne sap-coated soot can get into the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory system.

The best way to avoid the rash is to learn what the plants look like and stay away from them. If you come into contact with the plants, wash your skin and clothing right away. If you develop a rash, ask your pharmacist about over-the-counter medicines. For severe rashes, see your doctor.

National Park Service

Plants FDA Approved Drugs

MYFORTIC [Mycophenolic AcidC17H20O6]
180mg (oral tablet, delayed release)
360mg (oral tablet, delayed release)
NovartisFeb 27, 2004
  • Prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic renal transplants.
0.0  (0)
side effects
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for reference only. Many of these treatments may be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field. The owner of this website will not be held liable for any injuries and deaths cause by following any home remedies. We have no control of what is posted.

Home Remedies for Plants

DEPRESSION [major depressive disorder]
   St. John's Wort can be used to relieve anxiety and act as an antidepressant. Take as directed. Approved for as a medicine in Germany. Not recognized in the United States as an effective antidepressant. The plant is poisonous to livestock. Contain a phytochemical chemicals, hyperforin and hypericin, which are make skin sensitive to light with extended use.
Mechanism - Hypericum perforatum
Jlaiii | May 1st, 2020