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Clinical trials are research studies that test how well new medical approaches work in people. Each study answers scientific questions and tries to find better ways to prevent, screen for, diagnose, or treat a disease. Clinical trials may also compare a new treatment to a treatment that is already available.

Every clinical trial has a protocol, or action plan, for conducting the trial. The plan describes what will be done in the study, how it will be conducted, and why each part of the study is necessary. Each study has its own rules about who can take part. Some studies need volunteers with a certain disease. Some need healthy people. Others want just men or just women.

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews, monitors, and approves many clinical trials. It is an independent committee of physicians, statisticians, and members of the community. Its role is to:

  • Make sure that the study is ethical
  • Protect the rights and welfare of the participants
  • Make sure that the risks are reasonable when compared to the potential benefits

In the United States, a clinical trial must have an IRB if it is studying a drug, biological product, or medical device that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates, or it is funded or carried out by the federal government.

NIH: National Institutes of Health

Trial FDA Approved Drugs

MULTAQ [Dronedarone HydrochlorideC31H44N2O5SClH]
eq 400mg base (oral tablet)
Sanofi Aventis UsJul 1, 2009
  • Management of risk of dronedarone/beta-blocker interaction in patients in sinus rythm with a history of paroxysmal or persistent af.
  • Reduction in risk of hospitalization in patients with a history of paroxysmal or persistent af without severe heart failure and with one or more risk factors by administration twice a daily with morning and evening meals.
  • Reduction in risk of hospitalization in patients with coronary heart disease and a history of paroxysmal or persistent af and with one or more risk factors by administration twice a day with morning and evening meals.
  • Reduction in risk of hospitalization in patients with stable nyha class iii heart failure and a history of paroxysmal or persistent af and with one or more risk factors by administration twice a day with morning and evening meals.
  • Reduction of the risk of cardiovascular hospitalization.
  • Reduction of the risk of hospitalization for atrial fibrillation.
  • Treatment of patients with a history of paroxysmal or persistent af without severe heart failure and with one or more risk factors by administration twice a day with morning and evening meals.
0.0  (0)
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TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE [Trazodone HydrochlorideC19H22ClN5OClH]
100mg (oral tablet)
150mg (oral tablet)
300mg (oral tablet)
AlvogenApr 18, 1988
Apotex IncMar 25, 1987
Sun Pharm IndsMar 24, 1993
Teva Pharms UsaDec 11, 1987
Torrent Pharms LtdNov 27, 2013
VintageFeb 2, 1989
PlivaMar 9, 1988
0.0  (0)
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0.0  (0)


XARELTO [RivaroxabanC19H18ClN3O5S]
10mg (oral tablet)
15mg (oral tablet)
20mg (oral tablet)
Janssen PharmsJul 1, 2011
  • Following initial 6 months treatment for deep vein thrombosis (dvt) and/or pulmonary embolism (pe), reduction in the risk of recurrence of dvt and of pe with once daily, rapid-release tablet administered for at least five consecutive days.
  • Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (dvt).
  • Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis, which may lead to pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing knee or hip replacement surgery, with once daily, rapid-release tablet administered for at least five consecutive days.
  • Reduce the risk of stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation with once daily, rapid-release tablet administered for at least five consecutive days.
  • Reducing the risk of stroke and systemic embolism.
  • Reduction in the risk of recurrence of deep vein thrombosis (dvt) and pulmonary embolism.
  • Treatment of deep vein thrombosis (dvt).
  • Treatment of deep vein thrombosis with once daily, rapid-release tablet administered for at least five consecutive days.
  • Treatment of pulmonary embolism (pe).
  • Treatment of pulmonary embolism with once daily, rapid-release tablet administered for at least five consecutive days.
4.0  (1)
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Trial

   The ripe fruit and bark of (1) Crataegus Oxyacantha, Linné, and (2) other species of Crataegus. (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae) 1. England and other parts... / ...uggested to rest that organ and thereby guard against arteriosclerosis. It is a new remedy still on trial; and as yet with no rational explanation of its reputed powers. The smaller doses are suggeste...1

   The dried rhizome and roots of Gelsemium sempervirens (Linné,) Aiton (Nat. Ord. Loganiaceae). Dose, 1/10 to 1 grain. Common Names: Yellow... / ...feverish individual who magnifies his ailments; and for those who dread even the simple ordeals and trials of life. The most direct indication for its employment is exaltation of nervous function. It ... / ...great restlessness and excitation” are the classic indications for it as first formulated by Scudder, and these stand among the truest of speci1

   The leaves, bark and twigs of Hamamelis virginiana, Linné (Nat. Ord. Hamamelidaceae), collected in the autumn. Common in the United States.... / ...dedly useful remedy in congestive conditions with marked tissue debility. It should be given a fair trial in congestion of the ovaries, with dull aching pain and sense of weight and fullness; in chron...1

   The spores of Lycopodium clavatum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Lycopodiaceae) or Club Moss, a creeping perennial found in most parts of the earth; gathered... / ...of the bladder in adults with painful micturition and gritty concretions. It should be given a fair trial in the lithic acid diathesis, when the passage of urine is attended by pain and red, sand-like...1

   The dried, ripe seed of Physostigma venenosum, Balfour (Nat. Ord. Leguminosae). A climbing perennial, native of Calabar, in the Gulf of Guinea, on... / ...inert preparations have been responsible for its failure, and the drug has not therefore had a fair trial. It is one of the suggested antidotes for strychnine poisoning, the alkaloid being preferred. ...1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Trial

   In Pulmonary Tuberculosis pure fresh air is the most important remedy. Let the patient live out... / ... wise. Creosote is a remedy that promises more than any other anti septic, pushed to 40, 60 or90 minims daily. Creosotide, N., B. & Co., is worthy of trial; guaiacol seems inferior to creosote, and guaiacol carbonate is probably inert. Nutrient Peptones with Creosote may prescribed, but the quantity... / ...of lactic acid solution (10%) Pre ceded by cocaine as an anesthetic.2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.