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What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity, contact, or experience that happens without your consent. That means the sexual activity happens even though you don't agree to it.

Sexual assault may happen with:

  • Physical force or threats of force
  • Sexual coercion (being pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way)
  • Alcohol or drugs, including date rape drugs

Sexual assault may also be called sexual violence or sexual abuse. It affects millions of people each year. Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault. Many victims first experience sexual assault during childhood. Most victims are girls and women. But many boys and men are also victims of sexual assault.

If you've been sexually assaulted, it's never your fault. It's something that happens to you.

What does sexual assault include?

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual activity, including:

  • Sexual activity with physical contact, which is everything from sexual touching or kissing to rape or attempted rape
  • Sexual activity without physical contact, which includes things that may happen in person, online, or through texts, such as:
    • "Flashing" or exhibitionism (when someone shows you their genitals without asking you for permission)
    • Being forced to look at sexual images or pose for sexual photos
    • Being sent unwanted texts with sexual photos or messages
    • Voyeurism (when someone watches private sexual acts without permission)
    • Getting sexual threats or being sexually harassed (unwelcome sexual comments, requests for sexual favors, or other sexual behavior that's ongoing)

Any sexual activity that happens without your consent is sexual assault.

What does "consent" mean?

Giving your consent means that you clearly and freely say "yes" to sexual activity. Your consent means that you:

  • Know and understand what's going on.
  • Can say what you want to do and don't want to do.
  • Are not underage.
  • Are not being pressured or tricked to do things you don't want to do.

Giving consent is not:

  • Silence. Not saying "no" doesn't mean you're saying "yes."
  • Having consented in the past. Having said "yes" to sex with someone in the past doesn't mean that you've agreed to all sexual activity in the future. That's true when you're dating or in a lasting relationship.
  • Being passive and not fighting off an attacker.

You cannot give consent if you are:

  • Drugged, drunk, passed out, or asleep.
  • Mentally unable to consent due to illness or disability.
  • Underage (States have different laws about how old you must be to give legal consent to sexual activity.).
  • Sexually coerced. This means that someone is pressuring you to participate in sexual activity. Agreeing to sex under pressure is not giving consent. The pressure may include:
    • Abusing power over you, for example, a boss threatening your job.
    • Making threats to harm people you care about.
    • Making false promises to reward you for sex.
    • Threatening to end a relationship or spread rumors about you.
    • Wearing you down by constantly asking for sex or making you feel guilty or obligated.
Who commits sexual assault?

Both men and women commit sexual assault. A person who commits sexual assault may be a stranger, but more often it's someone you know, for example:

  • A friend or acquaintance
  • Someone you work with
  • A neighbor
  • A family member
  • A current or past romantic partner, including a spouse
What are the possible health effects from sexual assault?

Sexual assault may have many health effects. Many of them can affect your lifelong health and well-being. The effects may include:

  • Physical effects such as:
    • Bruises or genital injuries
    • Sexually transmitted diseases
    • Pregnancy
    • Ongoing problems with:
      • Female reproductive health
      • Digestive disorders
      • Your heart
      • Sexual health
  • Psychological effects such as:
    • Depression or anxiety
    • Thoughts about suicide
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Sexual assault victims are more likely to smoke, have an alcohol use disorder (AUD), use illegal drugs, and have risky sexual behavior. Girls who experience sexual violence are more likely to become victims of intimate partner violence in adulthood.

What can I do if I'm a victim of sexual assault?

If you are in danger or need medical care, call 911. If you can, get away from the person who assaulted you and get to a safe place as fast as you can.

You can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) to connect with a sexual assault service provider in your area who can direct you to local resources.

Getting support after a sexual assault may help you cope better and reduce the long-term effects. Victim services like rape crisis centers may provide a safe, healing place where you can find support.

Studies show that treatments such as Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) can help victims cope with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Can sexual assault be prevented?

Sexual assault is never the victim's fault. No one who has been assaulted should be blamed for something that they did or did not do.

You can take some steps to try to be safer around others:

  • Go to parties with friends. Look out for each other. If a friend seems drunk or drugged, get them to a safe place. Have a plan for how you'll get home, too.
  • Keep control of your drink. Someone could add alcohol or put a drug in it without you knowing.
  • Meet people for the first time in a public place.
  • Listen to your "gut feelings." If you feel uncomfortable around someone, leave.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. When walking alone, stay in busy well-lit areas. And don't wear headphones; you want to be able to hear what's happening around you.

Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Victim

ABSINTHIUM (Artemisia absinthium)ARAB3
   The flowering tops and leaves of Artemisia Absinthium, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae); Europe, Siberia, Barbary, Newfoundland, and the United... / ...e headache, and still larger doses induce cerebral disturbances and clonic hysteroidal convulsions. Victims of absinthism, a vicious form of drunkenness, are subject to disturbed rest, with disagreeab... / ...used for the expulsion of the intestinal parasites-Ascaris vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides. The oil may be given in doses of 1 to 5 drops. 1

   The bark and fruit of Aesculus glabra, Willdenow (Nat. Ord. Sapindaceae). A small fetid tree common to the central portion of the United... / ...tonos, stupor, and tympanites. In lethal doses these symptoms are increased, coma comes on, and the victim dies. Cattle are often killed by eating buckeyes; if not fatal, a condition known as "blind s... / ...Aesculus deserves further study to determine its status as a remedy for nervous disorders, and especially its control over visceral neuralgias. 1

   The root of Bryonia dioica, Jacquin, and Bryonia alba, Linné (Nat. Ord. Cucurbitaceae.) Europe. Common Names: Bryony, Bastard Turnip, Devil's... / ...itiated, the nervous system markedly depressed, and the tendency is toward sepsis and delirium. The victim cares little whether he recovers or dies. There is a dry tongue, sordes, a deepened hue of th... / ...its origin in irritation or erethism. Tensive or sharp pains are almost always present, and the secretion, if there is any, is small in quantit1

   The dried flowering tops of the female plant of Cannabis sativa, Linné, or the variety indica, Lamarck (Nat. Ord. Cannabinaceae). Asia, East... / ...uences, may be followed by catalepsy and depressive and maniacal insanity, from which, however, the victim recovers fully in time. In some respects the effects of cannabis on the nervous system are pe... / ...of the urino-genital tract and relieves pain. For the first condition it is invaluable in more or less painful conditions in which opium see1

   The dried leaves of Erythroxylon Coca, Lamarck, and its varieties. (Nat. Ord. Erythroxylaceae.) South American Andes-Peru, Bolivia, and Chili.... / ...g opium for similar purposes. Both lead to pernicious habits, with a train of miseries to which the victim finally succumbs. An occasional dose of 10 to 15 drops of the fluidextract will sometimes ove...1

DULCAMARA. (Solanum dulcamara)SODU
   The young branches of Solanum Dulcamara, Linné (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). A vine common in Europe and the United States. Dose, 1 to 30... / ...exposure. Those who dwell or work in damp or cold quarters, especially children, are frequently the victims of catarrhal diarrhoea, and acute and chronic rheumatism. Such patients are benefited by dul... / ...remedy in chronic skin diseases of a pustular, vesicular or scaly type, particularly the latter. It may also be tried in pudendal itching.1

   The dried, ripe seed of Physostigma venenosum, Balfour (Nat. Ord. Leguminosae). A climbing perennial, native of Calabar, in the Gulf of Guinea, on... / ...he muscle), the reflexes are abolished, respiration and circulation are extremely depressed and the victim dies of paralysis of the medulla-center of respiration. The treatment of poisoning by physost... / ...drug has not therefore had a fair trial. It is one of the suggested antidotes for strychnine poisoning, the alkaloid being preferred. For all of1

   The bark and aments of Salix nigra, Linné (Nat. Ord. Salicaceae); United States, particularly along streams in New York and Pennsylvania. Common... / is a remedy of first importance. Secondarily, it is not without value where the mentality of the victim is at fault, but will be found to moderate passion and strengthen the reproductive tract when...1


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.