Anthelios 20 FDA Approved Drugs
ANTHELIOS 20 [AvobenzoneC20H22O3 : EcamsuleC28H34O8S2 : OctocryleneC24H27NO2 : Titanium Dioxide2OTi]
- 2% : 2% : 10% : 2% (topical cream)
Loreal UsaOct 5, 2006
ANTHELIOS 40 [AvobenzoneC20H22O3 : EcamsuleC28H34O8S2 : OctocryleneC24H27NO2 : Titanium Dioxide2OTi]
- 2% : 3% : 10% : 5% (topical cream)
Loreal UsaMar 31, 2008
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.