Arava FDA Approved Drugs
ARAVA [LeflunomideC12H9F3N2O2]
- 100mg (oral tablet)
10mg (oral tablet)
20mg (oral tablet)
Sanofi Aventis UsSep 10, 1998
LEFLUNOMIDE [LeflunomideC12H9F3N2O2]
- 10mg (oral tablet)
20mg (oral tablet)
Alembic Pharms LtdNov 21, 2011
Apotex IncSep 13, 2005
BarrSep 13, 2005
Heritage Pharms IncSep 13, 2005
Teva PharmsSep 13, 2005
Apotex IncSep 13, 2005
BarrSep 13, 2005
Heritage Pharms IncSep 13, 2005
Teva PharmsSep 13, 2005
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.