Belbuca FDA Approved Drugs
BELBUCA [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH]
- eq 0.075mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.15mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.3mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.45mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.6mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.75mg base (buccal film)
eq 0.9mg base (buccal film)
BdsiOct 23, 2015
- Management of pain severe enough to require daily, around-the-clock, long-term opioid treatment and for which alternative treatment options are inadequate..
- Treatement of pain by transmucosal delivery of buprenorphine.
BUPRENEX [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH]
- eq 0.3mg base/ml (injection injectable)
Indivior IncApproved Prior To Jan 1, 1982
BUPRENORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH]
- eq 0.3mg base/ml (injection injectable)
eq 2mg base (sublingual tablet)
eq 8mg base (sublingual tablet)
HospiraJun 3, 1996
LuitpoldMar 27, 2007
Par Sterile ProductsJul 28, 2015
West-ward Pharms IntMar 2, 2005
Actavis ElizabethFeb 19, 2015
BarrMay 7, 2010
EthypharmSep 24, 2010
Mylan Pharms IncMar 6, 2015
Rhodes PharmsMar 27, 2017
Sandoz IncJun 10, 2015
Sun Pharm Inds LtdJan 29, 2016
LuitpoldMar 27, 2007
Par Sterile ProductsJul 28, 2015
West-ward Pharms IntMar 2, 2005
Actavis ElizabethFeb 19, 2015
BarrMay 7, 2010
EthypharmSep 24, 2010
Mylan Pharms IncMar 6, 2015
Rhodes PharmsMar 27, 2017
Sandoz IncJun 10, 2015
Sun Pharm Inds LtdJan 29, 2016
PROBUPHINE [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH]
- eq 80mg base/implant (implantation implant)
Braeburn Pharms IncMay 26, 2016
- For opioid dependence.
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.