Bethanechol Chloride FDA Approved Drugs
BETHANECHOL CHLORIDE [Bethanechol ChlorideC7H17N2O2Cl]
- 10mg (oral tablet)
25mg (oral tablet)
50mg (oral tablet)
Amneal PharmNov 21, 2007
Heritage PharmaMay 4, 2010
Lannett Holdings IncMar 27, 2008
PharmaxOct 26, 2007
Upsher-smith LabsJun 1, 2005
WockhardtSep 29, 2003
Heritage PharmaMay 4, 2010
Lannett Holdings IncMar 27, 2008
PharmaxOct 26, 2007
Upsher-smith LabsJun 1, 2005
WockhardtSep 29, 2003
DUVOID [Bethanechol ChlorideC7H17N2O2Cl]
- 10mg (oral tablet)
25mg (oral tablet)
50mg (oral tablet)
Bi-coastal PharmaApproved Prior To Jan 1, 1982
URECHOLINE [Bethanechol ChlorideC7H17N2O2Cl]
- 10mg (oral tablet)
25mg (oral tablet)
50mg (oral tablet)
Odyssey PharmsMay 29, 1984
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.