Bromfenac Sodium FDA Approved Drugs
BROMFENAC SODIUM [Bromfenac Sodium2C15H11BrNO32Na3H2O]
- eq 0.09% acid (ophthalmic solution/drops)
Amring PharmsJan 9, 2013
Apotex IncJun 19, 2014
Hi-tech PharmacalJan 22, 2014
Paddock LlcFeb 10, 2015
Apotex IncJun 19, 2014
Hi-tech PharmacalJan 22, 2014
Paddock LlcFeb 10, 2015
BROMSITE [Bromfenac Sodium2C15H11BrNO32Na3H2O]
- eq 0.075% acid (ophthalmic solution/drops)
Sun Pharma GlobalApr 8, 2016
- Treatment of postoperative inflammation and prevention of ocular pain in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
PROLENSA [Bromfenac Sodium2C15H11BrNO32Na3H2O]
- eq 0.07% acid (ophthalmic solution/drops)
Bausch And LombApr 5, 2013
- Method of treating ocular inflammation.
- Method of treatment to alleviate inflammation of the eye.
- Treatment of postoperative inflammation and reduction of ocular pain in patients who have undergone cataract surgery.
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.