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Caffeine Citrate FDA Approved Drugs

CAFCIT [Caffeine CitrateC8H10N4O2C6H8O7]
eq 30mg base/3ml (eq 10mg base/ml) (oral solution)
West-ward Pharms IntApr 12, 2000
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CAFFEINE CITRATE [Caffeine CitrateC8H10N4O2C6H8O7]
eq 30mg base/3ml (eq 10mg base/ml) (intravenous solution)
Aurobindo Pharma LtdSep 22, 2015
Exela Pharma ScienceSep 21, 2006
Exela Pharma Scs LlcSep 21, 2006
Fresenius Kabi UsaJan 31, 2008
LuitpoldMay 15, 2007
Sagent PharmsAug 29, 2012
Sun Pharma GlobalSep 30, 2009
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Caffeine Citrate

   Acetanilid Compound. Special, N., B. & Co. is a combination of Acetanilid, 8 parts; Caffeine, 1 part. and Sodium Bicarbonate, 1 part. Acetanilid Compound, Modified, N., B. & Co., consists of Acetanilid, 70 parts; Caffeine Citrated, 10 parts; Sodium Bicarbon ate, 18 parts, and Sodium Bromide, 2 parts. Usual dose of either of these is 0.2 to 0.3 Grm. (3 to 5 grs.), repeated in two hours if needed.1

   Alkaloid found in Coffee, Tea, Guarana. Kola and some other plants. Cerebral and cardiac stimulant, acting indirectly as a diure tic. Prescribed often for headache. especially in combination with acetanilid. Useful in adynamic conditions and in all forms of heart failure; a standard remedy in poisoning by opium and other narcotics. Dose of Caffeine or Caffeine Hydrobromide, 0.03 to 0.3 Grm. (96 to 5 grs.- or more. [Caffeine Citrated must be given in double the dose to produce the same effect].1


1) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.