Clonazepam FDA Approved Drugs
CLONAZEPAM [ClonazepamC15H10ClN3O3]
- 0.125mg (oral tablet, orally disintegrating)
0.25mg (oral tablet, orally disintegrating)
0.5mg (oral tablet)
1mg (oral tablet)
2mg (oral tablet)
BarrAug 10, 2005
Par PharmAug 3, 2005
Sun Pharm Inds IncAug 27, 2014
Accord HlthcareMay 2, 2005
Actavis ElizabethOct 31, 1996
MylanOct 5, 1998
Prinston IncJun 28, 2006
SandozAug 29, 1997
TevaSep 10, 1996
Watson LabsDec 30, 1997
Par PharmAug 3, 2005
Sun Pharm Inds IncAug 27, 2014
Accord HlthcareMay 2, 2005
Actavis ElizabethOct 31, 1996
MylanOct 5, 1998
Prinston IncJun 28, 2006
SandozAug 29, 1997
TevaSep 10, 1996
Watson LabsDec 30, 1997
KLONOPIN [ClonazepamC15H10ClN3O3]
- 0.5mg (oral tablet)
1mg (oral tablet)
2mg (oral tablet)
RocheApproved Prior To Jan 1, 1982
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.