Cytovene FDA Approved Drugs
CYTOVENE [Ganciclovir SodiumC9H12N5O4Na]
- eq 500mg base/vial (injection injectable)
Roche PaloJun 23, 1989
GANCICLOVIR [GanciclovirC9H13N5O4]
- 500mg/250ml (2mg/ml) (iv (infusion) solution)
Exela Pharma Scs LlcFeb 17, 2017
GANCICLOVIR [Ganciclovir SodiumC9H12N5O4Na]
- eq 500mg base/vial (injection injectable)
Fresenius Kabi UsaJun 21, 2010
Luitpold Pharms IncSep 18, 2013
Par Sterile ProductsDec 6, 2016
Luitpold Pharms IncSep 18, 2013
Par Sterile ProductsDec 6, 2016
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.