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Depen FDA Approved Drugs
BUNAVAIL [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH : Naloxone HydrochlorideC19H21NO4ClH]
- eq 2.1mg base : eq 0.3mg base (buccal film)
eq 4.2mg base : eq 0.7mg base (buccal film)
eq 6.3mg base : eq 1mg base (buccal film)
BdsiJun 6, 2014
- Maintenance treatment of opioid dependence.
- Treatment of opioid dependence.
DEPEN [PenicillamineC5H11NO2S]
- 250mg (oral tablet)
Mylan Speciality LpApproved Prior To Jan 1, 1982
GATTEX KIT [Teduglutide Recombinant]
- 5mg/vial (subcutaneous powder)
Nps Pharms IncDec 21, 2012
- Treatment of adult patients with short bowel syndrome who are dependent on parenteral support.
PROBUPHINE [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH]
- eq 80mg base/implant (implantation implant)
Braeburn Pharms IncMay 26, 2016
- For opioid dependence.
REVLIMID [LenalidomideC13H13N3O3]
- 10mg (oral capsule)
15mg (oral capsule)
2.5mg (oral capsule)
20mg (oral capsule)
25mg (oral capsule)
CelgeneDec 27, 2005
- Treatment of male patient having a disease or condition responsive to a teratogenic drug.
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) for the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma (mcl).
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) for the treatment of multiple myeloma and transfusion-dependent anemia in myelodysplastic syndromes (mds).
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) for the treatment of transfusion-dependent anemia in myelodysplastic syndromes (mds).
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) to inhibit the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha.
- Use of revlimid (lenalidomide) while preventing the exposure of a fetus or other contraindicated individual to revlimid (lenalidomide).
SUBOXONE [Buprenorphine HydrochlorideC29H41NO4ClH : Naloxone HydrochlorideC19H21NO4ClH]
- eq 12mg base : eq 3mg base (buccal, sublingual film)
eq 2mg base : eq 0.5mg base (buccal, sublingual film)
eq 4mg base : eq 1mg base (buccal, sublingual film)
eq 8mg base : eq 2mg base (buccal, sublingual film)
Indivior IncAug 10, 2012
- This drug is administered by sublingual route to humans for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence.
- Treatment of opioid dependence/sublingual or buccal application.
VIVITROL [NaltrexoneC20H23NO4]
- 380mg/vial (intramuscular for suspension, extended release)
AlkermesApr 13, 2006
- Prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification.
- Treatment of alcohol dependence.
WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Felter's Materia Medica on Depen
ABSINTHIUM (Artemisia absinthium)ARAB3
   The flowering tops and leaves of Artemisia Absinthium, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae); Europe, Siberia, Barbary, Newfoundland, and the United... / ... The French liquer Absinthe, which is a viscous alcoholic cordial, and Wermuth, a German beer, both depend upon wormwood for their activity. Therapy.External. Absinthium, steeped in vinegar and wate... / ...used for the expulsion of the intestinal parasites-Ascaris vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides. The oil may be given in doses of 1 to 5 drops. 1
   The flowering tops and leaves of Artemisia Absinthium, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae); Europe, Siberia, Barbary, Newfoundland, and the United... / ... The French liquer Absinthe, which is a viscous alcoholic cordial, and Wermuth, a German beer, both depend upon wormwood for their activity. Therapy.External. Absinthium, steeped in vinegar and wate... / ...used for the expulsion of the intestinal parasites-Ascaris vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides. The oil may be given in doses of 1 to 5 drops. 1
   The rhizome and rootlets of Actaea alba, Bigelow (Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceae). A perennial of the United States east of the Mississippi, abounding in... / .... Water, 4 fluidounces. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours.) Specific Indications.Atony dependent upon nervous derangements from reproductive disturbances, with headache, insomnia, melanch... / ...arising from derangement of the reproductive organs. Like cimicifuga it is useful in atonic indigestion of the nervous dyspepsia type. 1
   The rhizome and rootlets of Actaea alba, Bigelow (Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceae). A perennial of the United States east of the Mississippi, abounding in... / .... Water, 4 fluidounces. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours.) Specific Indications.Atony dependent upon nervous derangements from reproductive disturbances, with headache, insomnia, melanch... / ...arising from derangement of the reproductive organs. Like cimicifuga it is useful in atonic indigestion of the nervous dyspepsia type. 1
   The bark and fruit of Aesculus glabra, Willdenow (Nat. Ord. Sapindaceae). A small fetid tree common to the central portion of the United... / ...tinal irritability with the contractive colic-like pain centering in the umbilical region, probably dependent most largely upon hepatic or portal congestion and associated with chronic constipation. I... / ...Aesculus deserves further study to determine its status as a remedy for nervous disorders, and especially its control over visceral neuralgias. 1
   The bark and fruit of Aesculus glabra, Willdenow (Nat. Ord. Sapindaceae). A small fetid tree common to the central portion of the United... / ...tinal irritability with the contractive colic-like pain centering in the umbilical region, probably dependent most largely upon hepatic or portal congestion and associated with chronic constipation. I... / ...Aesculus deserves further study to determine its status as a remedy for nervous disorders, and especially its control over visceral neuralgias. 1
   The bark of the root of Aralia hispida, Linné (Nat. Ord. Araliaceae). A perennial undershrub of the eastern section of the United States. Dose, 1... / ...tipation. Action and Therapy.Sometimes a surprisingly effective agent for the removal of anasarca dependent chiefly upon renal inactivity or renal irritation. Moreover, it often fails. It is, howeve...1
   The bark of the root of Aralia hispida, Linné (Nat. Ord. Araliaceae). A perennial undershrub of the eastern section of the United States. Dose, 1... / ...tipation. Action and Therapy.Sometimes a surprisingly effective agent for the removal of anasarca dependent chiefly upon renal inactivity or renal irritation. Moreover, it often fails. It is, howeve...1
   The dried flower-heads of Arnica montana, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae). A perennial of Siberia and the cooler parts of Europe; also found in... / ... the sleeper awakens with a start on account of dyspnoea when automatic respiratory action alone is depended upon. Such a state occurs in the low stage of typhoid and other fevers, and in lobar pneumo...1
   The dried flower-heads of Arnica montana, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae). A perennial of Siberia and the cooler parts of Europe; also found in... / ... the sleeper awakens with a start on account of dyspnoea when automatic respiratory action alone is depended upon. Such a state occurs in the low stage of typhoid and other fevers, and in lobar pneumo...1
   The root of Asclepias incarnata, Linné (Nat. Ord. Asclepiadaceae). Common in damp and wet grounds throughout the United States. Dose, 1 to 60... / ...good reason to believe this agent a good diuretic to be substituted for digitalis in cases of edema dependent upon cardiac insufficiency. Its action is similar to that of foxglove, without the irritat...1
   The root of Asclepias incarnata, Linné (Nat. Ord. Asclepiadaceae). Common in damp and wet grounds throughout the United States. Dose, 1 to 60... / ...good reason to believe this agent a good diuretic to be substituted for digitalis in cases of edema dependent upon cardiac insufficiency. Its action is similar to that of foxglove, without the irritat...1
   ... 2 hours.) Specific Indications. Pulse strong, vibratile; skin moist; pain acute, and seemingly dependent on motion (Scudder). Skin hot and dry, or inclined to moisture; urine scanty; face secretion, asclepias stimulates the latter and thus relieves the irritation upon which the cough depends. In chest disorders requiring asclepias our experience verifies the classic indications for ...1
   ... 2 hours.) Specific Indications. Pulse strong, vibratile; skin moist; pain acute, and seemingly dependent on motion (Scudder). Skin hot and dry, or inclined to moisture; urine scanty; face secretion, asclepias stimulates the latter and thus relieves the irritation upon which the cough depends. In chest disorders requiring asclepias our experience verifies the classic indications for ...1
BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna)ATROP
   The (1) dried root and the (2) dried leaves and tops of Atropa Belladonna, Linné (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). Europe and Central Asia; also... / ...citation, with wild and furious delirium. Large doses: mydriatic. Action.The action of Belladonna depends largely upon its chief alkaloid Atropine. Therapy.External. Belladonna, and more rarely at...1
   The (1) dried root and the (2) dried leaves and tops of Atropa Belladonna, Linné (Nat. Ord. Solanaceae). Europe and Central Asia; also... / ...citation, with wild and furious delirium. Large doses: mydriatic. Action.The action of Belladonna depends largely upon its chief alkaloid Atropine. Therapy.External. Belladonna, and more rarely at...1
   The root of Berberis aquifolium, Pursh (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). Western United States from Colorado to the Pacific coast; cultivated also for... / ...s been praised. Some claim that if given early it will abort the tertiary stage, but this of course depends in most cases upon the resisting powers of the body and the care the patient takes of himsel...1
   The root of Berberis aquifolium, Pursh (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). Western United States from Colorado to the Pacific coast; cultivated also for... / ...s been praised. Some claim that if given early it will abort the tertiary stage, but this of course depends in most cases upon the resisting powers of the body and the care the patient takes of himsel...1
CACTUS (Selenicereus spp.)
   The fresh, green stems and the flowers of Selenicereus grandiflorus (L.) Britt. & Rose (and other Selenicereus speciesMM) (Cereus grandiflorus,... / ... It is contended by many that the mental, cerebral, gastric, and other effects are secondary to and dependent largely upon the primary effects of the drug upon the heart; others believe its action dep... / ...organ were held with a strong band, it is often the most prompt of all cardiac remedies. It is a good remedy in the heart troubles produced by to1
   The fresh, green stems and the flowers of Selenicereus grandiflorus (L.) Britt. & Rose (and other Selenicereus speciesMM) (Cereus grandiflorus,... / ... It is contended by many that the mental, cerebral, gastric, and other effects are secondary to and dependent largely upon the primary effects of the drug upon the heart; others believe its action dep... / ...organ were held with a strong band, it is often the most prompt of all cardiac remedies. It is a good remedy in the heart troubles produced by to1
   The seeds of Caffea arabica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rubiaceae). Native of Arabia-Felix and Ethiopia; and extensively cultivated in Asia and America... / ...e (C8H10N4O2. H2O); a volatile aromatic oil; caffeol is also present in minute quantity and upon it depends the aroma of coffee; and caffeo-tannic acid. Preparations.1. Infusum Caffeæ, Infusion of ... / ...preferably without sugar or cream; for use in narcotic poisoning very strong, black coffee may be given freely, both by mouth and per rectum.1
   The seeds of Caffea arabica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rubiaceae). Native of Arabia-Felix and Ethiopia; and extensively cultivated in Asia and America... / ...e (C8H10N4O2. H2O); a volatile aromatic oil; caffeol is also present in minute quantity and upon it depends the aroma of coffee; and caffeo-tannic acid. Preparations.1. Infusum Caffeæ, Infusion of ... / ...preferably without sugar or cream; for use in narcotic poisoning very strong, black coffee may be given freely, both by mouth and per rectum.1
   The unexpanded flowers (dried flower-buds) of Eugenia aromatica (Linné), O Kuntze. (Jambosa Caryophyllus (Sprengel) Niedenzu). (Nat. Ord.... /, gastric pain, and flatulent distention of stomach or bowels. When cardiac palpitation and pain depend upon gastric distention, oil of clove frequently relieves it. Eugenol. Derived from oil of cl...1
   The unexpanded flowers (dried flower-buds) of Eugenia aromatica (Linné), O Kuntze. (Jambosa Caryophyllus (Sprengel) Niedenzu). (Nat. Ord.... /, gastric pain, and flatulent distention of stomach or bowels. When cardiac palpitation and pain depend upon gastric distention, oil of clove frequently relieves it. Eugenol. Derived from oil of cl...1
   ...tions.Constipation due to neglect or to nervous and muscular atony of the bowels; minor ailments, dependent solely upon constipation, with intestinal atony. Action and Therapy.Cascara is a simple ......he constipation. Cascara is adapted to cases of atony of the intestines. When other simple ailments depend upon constipation they may often be remedied-by cascara. It is an efficient purgative in preg...1
   ...tions.Constipation due to neglect or to nervous and muscular atony of the bowels; minor ailments, dependent solely upon constipation, with intestinal atony. Action and Therapy.Cascara is a simple ......he constipation. Cascara is adapted to cases of atony of the intestines. When other simple ailments depend upon constipation they may often be remedied-by cascara. It is an efficient purgative in preg...1
   The rhizome and roots of Caulophyllum thalictroides (Linné, Michaux (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). In rich woods in the eastern half of the United... / ...ere there is congestion with irritation, and the natural functions are badly performed. In troubles dependent upon such irregularities, it has given fair results, though macrotys has supplanted it for... / ...of strength and rapid involution of the womb following labor. The dose of the syrup is from 2 fluidrachms to 1/2 fluidounce, 2 or 3 times a day.1
   The rhizome and roots of Caulophyllum thalictroides (Linné, Michaux (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). In rich woods in the eastern half of the United... / ...ere there is congestion with irritation, and the natural functions are badly performed. In troubles dependent upon such irregularities, it has given fair results, though macrotys has supplanted it for... / ...of strength and rapid involution of the womb following labor. The dose of the syrup is from 2 fluidrachms to 1/2 fluidounce, 2 or 3 times a day.1
   ... Therapy.Astringent and sedative. This drug is reputed efficient in gastric and hepatic disorders dependent upon splenic enlargement, especially when caused by malarial influence. It has given good ......s are deep-seated splenic pain, with or without splenic enlargement, and sympathetic painful states depending upon spleen pathology; also non-inflammatory catarrhal conditions with abundant secretions...1
   ... Therapy.Astringent and sedative. This drug is reputed efficient in gastric and hepatic disorders dependent upon splenic enlargement, especially when caused by malarial influence. It has given good ......s are deep-seated splenic pain, with or without splenic enlargement, and sympathetic painful states depending upon spleen pathology; also non-inflammatory catarrhal conditions with abundant secretions...1
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Physician's Materia Medica on Depen
CANNABIS INDICA (Indian Cannabis)
   The flowering tops of the pistillate plant of CANNABIs sa'r1vA, Lin., grown in the East Indies. Antispasmodic, analgesic, deliriant. aphrodisiac. Locally applied it is anti-pruritic. Prescribed in teta nus, in neuralgia, in insomnia and other conditions depending on anemia of the brain, in combating the morphine habit, etc. Dose, 0.2 to 0.6 Grm. (3 to 10 grs.) or more.2
   The flowering tops of the pistillate plant of CANNABIs sa'r1vA, Lin., grown in the East Indies. Antispasmodic, analgesic, deliriant. aphrodisiac. Locally applied it is anti-pruritic. Prescribed in teta nus, in neuralgia, in insomnia and other conditions depending on anemia of the brain, in combating the morphine habit, etc. Dose, 0.2 to 0.6 Grm. (3 to 10 grs.) or more.2
   The most efficient remedy we have for vomiting depending on pregnancy or uterine irritation. Has been used in sea-sickness and in cholera with good results. Does not replace Bismuth in relieving gastric irritation. Dose, 0.06 to 0.3 or o.o'Grm. (1 to 5 or 10 grs.).2
   The most efficient remedy we have for vomiting depending on pregnancy or uterine irritation. Has been used in sea-sickness and in cholera with good results. Does not replace Bismuth in relieving gastric irritation. Dose, 0.06 to 0.3 or o.o'Grm. (1 to 5 or 10 grs.).2
   The fruit, also the root of APIUM PETROSELINUM, Lin. Carmi native, discutient, diuretic, antiperiodic, emmenagogue, sedative to genito-urinary tract. The root particularly is used with reference to this last property, being prescribed in strangury from cantharides or turpentine and in painful micturition caused by gravel. The seeds are generally used for their emmenagogue virtue, which depends on the apiol they contain. Dose of Apiol, 0.2 to 0.4 c. c. (3 to 6 mi. three times a day.2
   The fruit, also the root of APIUM PETROSELINUM, Lin. Carmi native, discutient, diuretic, antiperiodic, emmenagogue, sedative to genito-urinary tract. The root particularly is used with reference to this last property, being prescribed in strangury from cantharides or turpentine and in painful micturition caused by gravel. The seeds are generally used for their emmenagogue virtue, which depends on the apiol they contain. Dose of Apiol, 0.2 to 0.4 c. c. (3 to 6 mi. three times a day.2
   Laxative and hepatic stimulant, sub-alkaline; prescribed to regulate the bowels in infancy, and as a remedy for morbid conditions dependant on torpidity of the liver. Dose for infants, 0.15 to 0.25 Grm. (2 to 4 grs.) several times a day; for adults as a hepatic stimulant, 1 to 4 Grru. (15 to 60 grs.), as a laxative 4 to 15 Grm. (1 to 4 drachms) or more.2
   Laxative and hepatic stimulant, sub-alkaline; prescribed to regulate the bowels in infancy, and as a remedy for morbid conditions dependant on torpidity of the liver. Dose for infants, 0.15 to 0.25 Grm. (2 to 4 grs.) several times a day; for adults as a hepatic stimulant, 1 to 4 Grru. (15 to 60 grs.), as a laxative 4 to 15 Grm. (1 to 4 drachms) or more.2
   The bark of FRAXINUS AMERICANA Lin. Tonic, cathartic, febrifuge, antiarthritic; a vaso-motor stimulant. Has been recommended in uterine diseases dependent upon plethora.2
   The bark of FRAXINUS AMERICANA Lin. Tonic, cathartic, febrifuge, antiarthritic; a vaso-motor stimulant. Has been recommended in uterine diseases dependent upon plethora.2
WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.
Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Depen
   Habitual abortion may be due to syphilis, to... / ...ndo-metritis or uterine displacement. to undue sexual excitement or to anemia or other form of malnutrition. Prevention of the accident in such cases depends upon recognizing and removing the cause. The patient must be given the benefit of the best hygienic conditions; avoid irri tant cathartics, re... / ...with proper caution, and only a physiologically stand ardized preparation should be employed.2
   Habitual abortion may be due to syphilis, to... / ...ndo-metritis or uterine displacement. to undue sexual excitement or to anemia or other form of malnutrition. Prevention of the accident in such cases depends upon recognizing and removing the cause. The patient must be given the benefit of the best hygienic conditions; avoid irri tant cathartics, re... / ...with proper caution, and only a physiologically stand ardized preparation should be employed.2
   Pain, (renal colic) must be treated with chlorodyne, belladonna in full doses, morphine and atropine hypodermatically, cautious in hzilations of chloroform. Remedies depend on nature of the calculus.2
   Pain, (renal colic) must be treated with chlorodyne, belladonna in full doses, morphine and atropine hypodermatically, cautious in hzilations of chloroform. Remedies depend on nature of the calculus.2
   In a simple case, cauterize thoroughly with nitric acid, Ricord’s paste or the actual cautery (applying cocaine solution previously as an anesthetic); dress afterward with lodosyl, iodoform or acetanilid. When the ulceration is superficial, cauterization is sometimes dis pensed with am} the antiseptic dressing depended upon, but the more heroic practice is safer, and is imperative if sloughing takes place.2
   In a simple case, cauterize thoroughly with nitric acid, Ricord’s paste or the actual cautery (applying cocaine solution previously as an anesthetic); dress afterward with lodosyl, iodoform or acetanilid. When the ulceration is superficial, cauterization is sometimes dis pensed with am} the antiseptic dressing depended upon, but the more heroic practice is safer, and is imperative if sloughing takes place.2
   If dependent on vaso-motor relaxation, ergot, extract suprarenal glands; astringents, particularly gallic acid and rhus aromatica. If due to nervous irritability, belladonna, nervines, bromides. Tonics are generally indicated, particularly iron and strychnine.2
   If dependent on vaso-motor relaxation, ergot, extract suprarenal glands; astringents, particularly gallic acid and rhus aromatica. If due to nervous irritability, belladonna, nervines, bromides. Tonics are generally indicated, particularly iron and strychnine.2
   General treatment depends on the cause, which may be in disease of the heart, of the kidneys or less commonly of the liver. For im mediate relief prescribe active diuretics if the st ate of the kidneys permits, the most eflicient being Tonic Pilocarpine Compound; digi talis, canadian hemp, squill (these acting primarily on the circula tion), or hydragogue cathartics, elaterium. compound jalap powder, magnesium sulphate (in concentrated solution) are efficient remedies.2
   General treatment depends on the cause, which may be in disease of the heart, of the kidneys or less commonly of the liver. For im mediate relief prescribe active diuretics if the st ate of the kidneys permits, the most eflicient being Tonic Pilocarpine Compound; digi talis, canadian hemp, squill (these acting primarily on the circula tion), or hydragogue cathartics, elaterium. compound jalap powder, magnesium sulphate (in concentrated solution) are efficient remedies.2
   The treatment must depend on the conditions. In general the applications that are of most benefit are at once stimulating and antiseptic. That most generally useful is Iodosyl. As a cleansing agent, hydrogen peroxide is generally best, although more powerful applications (caustics) have their use, particularly strong carbolic acid followed by alcohol to limit its destructive action.2
   The treatment must depend on the conditions. In general the applications that are of most benefit are at once stimulating and antiseptic. That most generally useful is Iodosyl. As a cleansing agent, hydrogen peroxide is generally best, although more powerful applications (caustics) have their use, particularly strong carbolic acid followed by alcohol to limit its destructive action.2
   Treatment depends on the cause, which is oitenest disturbance of the stomach, and calls for antacids or stomachics. It is serious only when it indicates cerebral trouble, when bromides may relieve, but are only palliative.2
   Treatment depends on the cause, which is oitenest disturbance of the stomach, and calls for antacids or stomachics. It is serious only when it indicates cerebral trouble, when bromides may relieve, but are only palliative.2
1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.