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What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that have an electric charge when they are dissolved in water or body fluids, including blood. The electric charge can be positive or negative. You have electrolytes in your blood, urine (pee), tissues, and other body fluids.

Electrolytes are important because they help:

  • Balance the amount of water in your body
  • Balance your body's acid/base (pH) level
  • Move nutrients into your cells
  • Move wastes out of your cells
  • Support your muscle and nerve function
  • Keep your heart rate and rhythm steady
  • Keep your blood pressure stable
  • Keep your bones and teeth healthy
What are the different types of electrolytes in your body?

The main electrolytes in your body include:

  • Bicarbonate, which helps maintain the body's acid and base balance (pH). It also plays an important role in moving carbon dioxide through the bloodstream.
  • Calcium, which helps make and keep bones and teeth strong.
  • Chloride, which also helps control the amount of fluid in the body. In addition, it helps maintain healthy blood volume and blood pressure.
  • Magnesium, which helps your muscles, nerves, and heart work properly. It also helps control blood pressure and blood glucose (blood sugar).
  • Phosphate, which works together with calcium to build strong bones and teeth.
  • Potassium, which helps your cells, heart, and muscles work properly.
  • Sodium, which helps control the amount of fluid in the body. It also helps your nerves and muscles work properly.

You get these electrolytes from the foods you eat and the fluids you drink.

What is an electrolyte imbalance?

An electrolyte imbalance means that the level of one or more electrolytes in your body is too low or too high. It can happen when the amount of water in your body changes. The amount of water that you take in should equal the amount you lose. If something upsets this balance, you may have too little water (dehydration) or too much water (overhydration). Some of the more common reasons why you might have an imbalance of the water in your body include:

  • Certain medicines
  • Severe vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Heavy sweating
  • Heart, liver or kidney problems
  • Not drinking enough fluids, especially when doing intense exercise or when the weather is very hot
  • Drinking too much water
What are the different types of electrolyte imbalances?

The names of the different types of electrolyte imbalances are:

ElectrolyteToo lowToo highBicarbonateAcidosisAlkalosisCalciumHypocalcemiaHypercalcemiaChlorideHypochloremiaHyperchloremiaMagnesiumHypomagnesemiaHypermagnesemiaPhosphateHypophosphatemiaHyperphosphatemiaPotassiumHypokalemiaHyperkalemiaSodiumHyponatremiaHypernatremiaHow are electrolyte imbalances diagnosed?

A test called an electrolyte panel can check the levels of your body's main electrolytes. A related test, the anion gap blood test, checks whether your electrolytes are out of balance or if your blood is too acidic or not acidic enough.

What are the treatments for electrolyte imbalances?

The treatment for an electrolyte imbalance depends on which electrolytes are out of balance, if there is too little or too many, and what is causing the imbalance. In minor cases, you may just need to make some changes to your diet. In other cases, you may need other treatments. For example:

  • If you don't have enough of an electrolyte, you may get electrolyte replacement therapy. This involves giving you more of that electrolyte. It could be a medicine or supplement that you swallow or drink, or it may be given intravenously (by IV).
  • If you have too much of an electrolyte, your provider may give you medicines or fluids (by mouth or by IV) to help remove that electrolyte from your body. In severe cases, you may need dialysis to filter out the electrolyte.

Fluid FDA Approved Drugs

TRULANCE [Plecanatide]
3mg (oral tablet)
Synergy PharmsJan 19, 2017
  • Chronic idiopathic constipation.
  • Elevation of intracellular cgmp resulting in increased intestinal fluid and accelerated transit.
0.0  (0)
side effects
0.0  (0)
0.0  (0)


VASOSTRICT [Vasopressin]
200units/10ml (20units/ml) (iv (infusion) solution)
20units/ml (20units/ml) (iv (infusion) solution)
Par Sterile ProductsDec 17, 2016
  • To increase blood pressure in adults with vasodilatory shock (e.g., post-cardiotomy or sepsis) who remain hypotensive despite fluids and catecholamines.
0.0  (0)
side effects
0.0  (0)
0.0  (0)


WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Fluid

ABSINTHIUM (Artemisia absinthium)ARAB3
   The flowering tops and leaves of Artemisia Absinthium, Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae); Europe, Siberia, Barbary, Newfoundland, and the United... / ... (C15 H20 04). Preparations.—1. Infusum Absinthii, Infusion of Absinthium (3j to Oj). Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 2. Oleum Absinthii, Oil of Wormwood. Dose, 1 to 5 drops., Action.—Both oil of wormwood... / ...used for the expulsion of the intestinal parasites-Ascaris vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides. The oil may be given in doses of 1 to 5 drops. 1

   ...ter, but insoluble in alcohol. Preparations.—1. Mucilago Acaciae, Mucilage of Acacia. Dose, 1 to 4 fluidrachms or more. 2. Syrupus Acaciciae, Syrup of Acacia. Dose, 1 to 4 fluidrachms or more. Action......irritable in low fevers and in pulmonary tuberculosis, a half ounce of acacia may be dissolved in 5 fluidounces of water, sweetened with sugar, and given in tablespoonful doses occasionally to relieve...1

   The dried tuberous root of Aconitum Napellus, Linné (Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceae). Mountains of Europe and Asia, and northwestern North America.... / ..., 1/30 to 1/2 drop. ( Usual form of dministration: Rx Specific Medicine Aconite 1-10 drops: Water 4 fluidounces . Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every one-half (1/2) to two (2) hours.) 2. Tinctura Aconiti,... / ...approaching from the extremities to the body. Excessive sweating comes on, rapidly lowering the body temperature, dimness of vision, 1

   The rhizome and rootlets of Actaea alba, Bigelow (Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceae). A perennial of the United States east of the Mississippi, abounding in... / ...ose, 1 to 20 drops. (Usual form of administration: Rx. Specific Medicine Actaea, 20 drops. Water, 4 fluidounces. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours.) Specific Indications.—Atony dependent u... / ...arising from derangement of the reproductive organs. Like cimicifuga it is useful in atonic indigestion of the nervous dyspepsia type. 1

AGARICUS (Amanita muscaria)
   The fungus Amanita muscaria, Persoon; (Agaricus muscarius, Linné.) (Nat. Ord. Fungi.) An extremely poisonous fungus found in the pine forests of... / ...Preparations.—1. Tinctura Agarici, Tincture of Agaricus (Fresh fungus, 1 ounce; strong alcohol, 16 fluidounces). Dose, 1/30 drop. 2. Muscarine. Dose, 1/30 to 1/12 grain. Action and Toxicology.—The c... / Eclectic practitioners. Muscarine is used in atropine and belladonna poisoning, sometimes being employed in place of eserine (physostigmine). 1

   The whole plant of Agrimonia Eupatoria, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae). A common perennial in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Dose, 5 to... / ...eparations.—1. Infusum Agrimoniae, Infusion of Agrimony (1 ounce to Water, 16 ounces. Dose, 2 to 3 fluidounces. 2. Specific Medicine Agrimonia. Dose, 5 to 60 drops. Specific Indications.—Deep-seated... / to give relief in abdominal pain due to faulty intestinal digestion. Dribbling of urine in old persons is said to be relieved by agrimony. 1

   The fresh bulb of Allium Cepa, Linné (Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). Common in cultivation everywhere. Common Name: Onion. Principal Constituent.—A... / ...(C6 H12 S2). Preparations.-1. Tincture of Red Onion. 5 to 60 drops. 2. Syrup of Onion. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Action and Therapy.—External. Onion is rubefacient. A poultice of onion with vinegar g... / ...pus, and mucus. The dose is from 5 to 10 drops in water. It is sometimes given with an equal quantity of tincture of Xanthium Strumarium. 1

   The bulb of Allium sativum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). Sicily, Asia Minor, and Central Asia; cultivated also in the United States and Europe.... / ...e oil, containing sulphur compounds. Preparations.—1. Syrupus Allii, Syrup of Allium. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 2. Succus Allii, Juice of Allium. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. Action and Therapy.—External. St...1

   The recent bark of Alnus serrulata, Aiton (Nat. Ord. Betulaceae). A shrub of the United States east of the Mississippi River. Common Names: Tag... /, tannin, and resins. Preparations.-1. Decoctum Alni, Decoction of Alnus (bark 1 ounce, Water, 16 fluidounces). Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Chiefly used as a local application. 2. Specific Medicine Al... / ...are best displayed in pustular eczema and recurrent crops of boils. Passive haematuria is sometimes controlled by its astringent action. 1

   The decorticated dried root of Althaea officinalis, Linné (Nat. Ord. Malvaceae), a plant of salt marshes, river banks, and moist, sandy soils.... / ...octum Althææ. Decoction of Althaea. Dose, Freely. 3. Syrupus Althaææ. Syrup of Althaea. Dose, 1 fluidounce to 4 fluidounces. Therapy. External. A soothing application to inflamed surfaces; and may... / ...if starch, with some mucilage is needed, a decoction. It may be given freely. A syrup of marshmallow is a good vehicle for pectoral medication. 1

   The leaves and bark of the twigs of Amygdalus Persica, Linné (Nat. Ord. Rosaceae). Native to Persia. Cultivated everywhere. Common Name: Peach... / ...scraped inner bark of the twigs (1 ounce) in cold water (16 ounces). It must not be boiled. Dose, 1 fluidrachm to I fluidounce. 2. Specific Medicine Amygdalus. (Made from the green young twigs and lea... / ...It is of less value for cough than wild cherry or hydrocyanic acid. For the latter the infusion or the specific medicine may be used. 1

ANISUM (Pimpinella anisum)PIAN3
   ...2. Infusum Anisi, Infusion of Anise (Anise, 2 or 3 drachms;] Boiling Water, 8 ounces). Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 3. Spiritus Anisi, Spirit of Anise. Ten per cent Oil of Anise in Alcohol. Dose, 1/2 to ......uidrachms. 3. Spiritus Anisi, Spirit of Anise. Ten per cent Oil of Anise in Alcohol. Dose, 1/2 to 1 fluidrachm in hot water. 4. Aqua Anisi, Anise Water. Dose, a fluidrachms to a fluidounce. 5. Specifi......Aqua Anisi, Anise Water. Dose, a fluidrachms to a fluidounce. 5. Specific Medicine Anise. Dose, one fluidrachm in water. Specific Indication.-Flatulence, with colicky pain. Action and Therapy.—Anise ...1

   ... 3. Infusum Anthemidis, Infusion of Anthemis; (Anthemis, 1/2 ounce; Water, 16 ounces). Dose, 1 to 4 fluidounces. Therapy.—The cold infusion is reputed stomachic; the hot infusion diaphoretic (1 to 2 ......fluidounces. Therapy.—The cold infusion is reputed stomachic; the hot infusion diaphoretic (1 to 2 fluidounces), and emetic (5 to 12 fluidounces); the oil carminative. The cold infusion may be used i...1

   .... Dose, 1/4 to 20 drops. Usual form of administration: Rx Specific Medicine Apocynum, 10 drops to 1 fluidrachm; Water, four ounces; Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours. 2. Decoctum Apocyni, D...... hours. 2. Decoctum Apocyni, Decoction of Apocynum (root 1 ounce to Water, 16 ounces). Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Specific Indications.—Watery infiltration of cellular tissue—edema— with weak circul...1

   The bark of the root of Aralia hispida, Linné (Nat. Ord. Araliaceae). A perennial undershrub of the eastern section of the United States. Dose, 1... / ... to 30 drops. 2. Decoctum Aralia, Decoction of Aralia (1/2 ounce to water, 16 ounces). Dose, 2 to 4 fluidounces. Specific Indications.—Anasarca and edema with constipation. Action and Therapy.—Somet... / ...laxative, and occasionally gives a good account of itself in the treatment of gravel. 1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Fluid

   A solution in a somewhat alcoholic menstruum of Oils of Eucalyp tus and Gaultheria, Thymoi, Menthol and Benzoic and Boric Acids, together with Fluid Extract of Baptisia. A non-irritant, non-toxic antiseptic, used internally in teaspoon ful doses as a gastric or intestinal antiseptic, but more commonly in the form of spray, gargle or lotion wherever a local antiseptic action is desired. For a gargle, mix one part with one of glycerin and two to four of water; for a nasal douche, 1 part with 3 to 2

   A combination of sedatives and hypnotics whose uses may be de duced from its composition. Each fluidrachm contains; Chloral, 15 grs.; Potassium Bromide, 15 grs.; Ext. Henbane, % gr.; Ext. Cannabis Ind ica, $1; gr. Dose for hypnotic effect, 4 c. c. (1 fluidrachm).2

   Each fluidrachm contains; Bromoform, 1 drop; Ipecac, 1-16 gr.; Ammonium Bromide, 3 grs.; Benzoin, % gr. A bronchial sedative particularly adapted to the requirements of children; especially eflicacious in infantile croup (not membranous) and in whooping cough. Although intended particularly for children, it will be found useful also in relieving troublesome irritative and spasmodic cough in adults. Dose for a child ten years old, 4 c. c. (a fluidrachm), to be repeated every two hours. In whoopin2

   In the form of Lime Water, Calcium Hydrate is a useful antacid having also an astringent action. Milk mixed with lime water is often retained and digested when milk alone disagrees with the stomach. Dose of Lime water (Liqnor Caleis), 4 c. c. (1 fluidrachm) to 30 or even 60 c. c. (l to 2 fluidounces).2

   Hepatic stimulant, laxative and intestinal antiseptic. Each fluidrachm represents; Cascara Sagrada, 30 grs.; Blue Flag, 2 grs,; Wahoo. 3 grs.; Sodlum Phosphate, 5 grs.; Sodium Salicylate, 2 grs,; with Aromatics, q. s. Dose, as laxative, 4 c. c. (1 fluidrachm).2

   The seed and leaves of RICINUs cOMmUNIs. &An., also the oil ex pressed from the seeds. The leaves are reputed emmenagogue and galactagogue. The seeds are actively cathartic. Castor Oil is one of the most useful of all cathartics owing to the absence of irritant action in its operation. It is used especially to unload the bowels when indigestible matters have been taken into the stomach. Dose of castor oil for an infant, 4 to 8 c. c. (1 or 2 fluidrachms); for an adult 8 to 15 c. c. (1/2 to 1 flui2

   A popular combination of anodynes much used for relief of colic, cholera morbus and spasmodic pains in general. Each fluidrachm contains; Morphine Hydrochloride, 3-8 gr.; Tincture Cannabis Indica 11 1/4 M; Acid Hydrocyanic, diluted, 1 1/8 M; Chloroform, 5 3/4 M]; Oil Peppermint, 3-16 M; Tincture Capsicum, §/3 Ill. Dose for an adult, 0.3 to 1.0 c. c. (5 to 15 M), repeated in % to 1 hour when necessary to control pain.2

   The oil obtained from the fresh livers of GADU8 MoRRHUA, Lin. Readily digested and having a peculiar power of improving nutrition. It is believed that this property resides in certain constituents of the oil not of a fatty nature and accordingly some of the preparations contain the non-fatty portions only of the oil. Ordinary dose for an adult, 15 c. c. (half a fluidounce), three times a day.2

   Each fluidrachm contains; Digitalin (German), 1-100 gr.; Strych nine Sulphate, 1-50 gr.; Nitroglycerin, 1-100 gr. A most energetic stimulant, very prompt in action, especially useful in the treatment of surgical shock or collapse and in the cardiac depression following fever. The liquid preparation is commonly to be preferred to tab lets, and ought to be in the pocket medicine case of every physician. Ordinary dose 4 c. c. (1 fluidrachm).2

ETHER (Sulphuric Ether)
   Action resembles that of alcohol, but more transient; cardiac stimulant, general anesthetic. relaxant. Most commonly given by inhalation. A spray is sometimes used to produce local anesthesia by cold. Dose, 2 to 8 c. c. (30 Ill to 2 fluidrachms) or more.2

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Fluid

   Habitual abortion may be due to syphilis, to endo-metritis or uterine displacement. to undue... / ... an opiate (morphine hypodermatically or opium extract by injection or suppository). If these measures fail, an aseptic tampon must be introduced and fluid extract of ergot must be given, the after treatment consisting of antiseptic irrigation of the vagina and if necessary of the uterus. absolute r...2

   Ascertain whether constitutional disease or disordered dhrestion is present and modify treatment... / ...enic is generally indicated. especially in combination with iron. For constipation. if present, Compound Liquorice Powder, prelerably in lozenges, or Fluid Cascara Aromatic, N., B. & Co. Locally, lotions containing milk of sulphur and glycerin, sometimes with a base of distilled extract witch hazel,...2

   Medicate no more than is necessary. Prescribe regular open air exercise, regularity in going to... / ..., when there is simply inertia of the rectum; 2, senna (particularly a cold infusion, or the oflicial compound liquorice pow der) or cascara sagrada (fluid extract aromatic or jellules); 3, com binations of aloin, belladonna and strychnine, or of podophyllin with nux vomica and belladonna; 4, saline...2

DIPHTHERIA AND MEMBRANOUS CROUP hand and use it promptly. As local application, peroxide of hydrogen is most satisfactory. Loefl1er’s solution (menthol, 100 grs. dissolved in 6 fluidrachms toluol, with addition of 40 minims solution ferric chloride and 10 fluidrachms absolute alcohol) is preferred by some. As tonics, tincture......bsolute alcohol) is preferred by some. As tonics, tincture ferric chloride, quinine and strychnine are of service, and strength must be maintained by fluid or semifluid nourishing food such as peptonized milk (given per rectum if swallowing is im possible).2

   In severe cases, surgical measures must be resorted to (plugging anterior and posterior... / ...). Styptic solutions (alum, tannin, vegetable astringents, Monsel’s solution, vinegar) may be used, or else remedies that contract the capillaries (fluid extract ergot, anti pyrin, extract suprarenal capsule or internally fluid extract ergot). The hot foot bath to draw the blood away from the head...2

   For hemorrhage from the bladder, the most eflicient remedies are fluid extract ergot, oil erigeron, gallic acid, cannabis indica and camphor (5 to 10 gr. doses). Astringent injections are not to be ad vised except in extreme cases, but epinephrine hydrochloride may be used thus. In malarial hematuria, sodium hyposulphite is recom mended, 5 to 15 grains four or five times a day.2

   At the outset give aconite as arterial sedative (not if patient is exsanguinated). Later apply Esmarch bandages to limbs. Cold to serotum or vulva. Gallic acid and fluid extract ergot are often pre scribed but are of doubtful value. In favorable cases use a fine spray of epinephrine hydrochloride.2

   Give fluid extract ergot in drachm doses and cause uterus to contract by mechanical stimulation as by introducing the hand into the cavity or byuinjections of cold and hot water.2

   Apply a saturated solution of lead acetate in diluted alcohol; solution of ammonium chloride, two drachms to the pint; sodium bi carbonate; ichthyol; fluid extract grindelia (soluble) dilutexl with 5 to 10 parts of water.2

   If hemorrhage is active, ergot is the best remedy, if passive. oil of erigeron (3 m5 minim doses) has the preference. Fluid extract cinnamon is a favorite remedy with some; Elixir Viburnum Com pound, N., B. & Co., is efficient; cannabis indica, black haw, witch hazel (distilled extract) and bromides of potassium and sodium are all useful.2

   Regulate the diet, withholding fatty, saccharine and starchy food to a large extent; as remedies, prescribe saline waters, e. g. Kis singen and Vichy on alternate days (the Effervescing Granules are convenient) or sodium phosphate; fluid extract bladder-wrack; ex tract thyroid gland; Turkish baths; suitable exercise, active or passive.2

   Of the numerous remedies prescribed in whooping cough, those which have given best satisfaction... /; Bromoform (conveniently in form of Bromofonn Bronchial Anodyne, N., B. & Co.); antipyrin, which may be advantageously associated with belladonna; fluid extract chestnut leaves; ammonium bromide. Thorough fumigation of the room (of course in abscence of the patient) once a day with burning sulphu...2

   General treatment for inflammation. Locally apply Glycero plasma, which is particularly useful after effusion has taken place. In the early stage simply strapping... / ...ation to chest of tincture iodine or a mixture of the tincture with glycerin, with addition of guaiacol or of methyl salicylate; if necessary reimove fluid by aspiration.2

   Among the best remedies are; A mixture of fluid extract cannabis indica, 1/2 fl. oz.; salicylic acid, 1 drm., and collodion, 2 fl. ozs.; glacial acetic acid ; trichloracetic acid; Fowler’s solution; chromic acid.2

WORMS (See also Tapeworm)
   For ascarides the best remedies are; Pink-root (especially Fluid Extract Pink-root and Senna), santonin (gencrally combined with calomel and given in lozenges-' and oil of wormseed. For pin worms santonin is often prescribed, but is less eflicient than infusion of quassia (10 per cent) given by injection.2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.