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Your connective tissue supports many different parts of your body, such as your skin, eyes, and heart. It is like a "cellular glue" that gives your body parts their shape and helps keep them strong. It also helps some of your tissues do their work. It is made of many kinds of proteins. Cartilage and fat are types of connective tissue.

Over 200 disorders that impact connective tissue. There are different types:

  • Genetic disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, and osteogenesis imperfecta
  • Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and scleroderma
  • Cancers, like some types of soft tissue sarcoma

Each disorder has its own symptoms and needs different treatment.

NIH: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Tissue FDA Approved Drugs

MICARDIS [TelmisartanC33H30N4O2]
20mg (oral tablet)
40mg (oral tablet)
80mg (oral tablet)
Boehringer IngelheimApr 4, 2000
  • Reduction of cardiac tissue damage associated with myocardial infarction.
  • Treatment or prevention of stroke.
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ORAVERSE [Phentolamine MesylateC17H19N3OCH4O3S]
0.4mg/1.7ml (injection injectable)
Septodont HoldingMay 9, 2008
  • A method of reversing soft-tissue anesthesia i.e. anesthesia of the lip and tongue, and the associated functional deficits resulting from an intraoral submucosal injection of a local anesthetic.
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WARNING: Consult a licensed physician in the appropriate field for medical treatment and drug prescription. Do not self medicate.

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Felter's Materia Medica on Tissue

   ....—Specific Medicine Achillea. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. Specific Indications. —Atony and relaxation of tissue, with free dis. charges; passive hemorrhage. Action and Therapy.—Achillea is astringent and ......wn in its occasional control of passive menorrhagia due wholly to atony, and not to the presence of tissue change or destruction. It sometimes relieves hematuria, and is soothing to the urinary tract....1

   The bark and fruit of Aesculus glabra, Willdenow (Nat. Ord. Sapindaceae). A small fetid tree common to the central portion of the United... / ... be used like strychnine after active symptoms have ceased, and to stimulate the unimpaired nervous tissue. Aesculus deserves further study to determine its status as a remedy for nervous disorders, a...1

AGARICUS (Amanita muscaria)
   The fungus Amanita muscaria, Persoon; (Agaricus muscarius, Linné.) (Nat. Ord. Fungi.) An extremely poisonous fungus found in the pine forests of... / ..., and even of the eyes, so that objects are not well seen because they seem to move; drawing of the tissues of the forehead and nose; pressing pain in the occiput and an inclination to fall backward.Â... / Eclectic practitioners. Muscarine is used in atropine and belladonna poisoning, sometimes being employed in place of eserine (physostigmine). 1

   ...Water, 16 ounces). Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Specific Indications.—Watery infiltration of cellular tissue—edema— with weak circulation and general debility; skin blanched, full, smooth, and easily ......e declares, it rivals phytolacca in its results. One can not expect apocynum to reconstruct wornout tissues or to restore damaged vascular valves. We must not hope to work miracles with it where there...... alone is a powerful remedy to relieve urgent symptoms and to put into action that portion of sound tissue that remains. The most we can hope for is an amelioration of the symptoms, and a notable decr...1

   The root of Asclepias tuberosa, Linné (Nat. Ord. Asclepiadaceae). United States and Canada. Dose, 5 to 60 grains. Common Names: Pleurisy Root,... / ...; vascular excitement marked in the area supplied by the bronchial arteries; inflammation of serous tissues; gastro-intestinal catarrhs due to recent colds. Action.—The physiological action of asclep...1

   ... Water, 4 fluidounces. Sig.: One teaspoonful every 1 to 2 hours. Specific Indications.—Fullness of tissue, with dusky, leaden, purplish or livid discoloration, tendency to ulceration and decay (gangr......and fetid as well as for irritable and painful ulcers, inflammations with full or swollen and dusky tissues, and tendency to destruction, aphthous and nursing sore mouth, mercurial gingivitis, sore ni......ty, suppressed or vitiated secretions, and sepsis with a disposition to disintegration and death of tissues. These indications are manifest in the peculiar appearance of the parts affected, of the mem...1

   The root of Berberis aquifolium, Pursh (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). Western United States from Colorado to the Pacific coast; cultivated also for... / ... the mucosa its effects are like those of hydrastis controlling catarrhal outpouring and erosion of tissue. For this purpose it is useful in stomatitis and gastric and intestinal catarrh. Remotely it ...1

BRYONIA effort and the patient is irritable if disturbed. Temperature may be slightly increased, and the tissues contracted. Pressure elicits extreme tenderness and soreness, especially when the viscera ar......ctim cares little whether he recovers or dies. There is a dry tongue, sordes, a deepened hue of the tissues, capillary circulation is sluggish, and there may be frontal headache. Chilliness is not unc...1

   ...odily endurance under exertion, and a profound headache may be experienced. Coffee probably retards tissue waste, and is, therefore, a conservator of force. The excessive use of coffee causes irritabi......of the urine, by dilating the renal bloodvessels and by direct action upon the renal epithelia. The tissuewaste of the body is thought to be restrained by caffeine, thus making it a conservator of for...1

CALAMUSACCA4 is believed to stimulate vaso-motor contraction and selectively to influence the skin and mucous tissues. After the manner of using arnica it is employed largely as a vulnerary. It is non-irritatin......nd indolent ulcers, with capillary impairment, it is said to have stimulated replacement by healthy tissues. A wash (1 part of Specific Medicine Calendula to 4 parts of sterile water) has been reinforce its local action, particularly in old ulcers, varicose veins, capillary engorgement of tissues, and chronic suppurative and catarrhal conditions. Splenic and hepatic congestion are said t...1

CALENDULA is believed to stimulate vaso-motor contraction and selectively to influence the skin and mucous tissues. After the manner of using arnica it is employed largely as a vulnerary. It is non-irritatin......nd indolent ulcers, with capillary impairment, it is said to have stimulated replacement by healthy tissues. A wash (1 part of Specific Medicine Calendula to 4 parts of sterile water) has been reinforce its local action, particularly in old ulcers, varicose veins, capillary engorgement of tissues, and chronic suppurative and catarrhal conditions. Splenic and hepatic congestion are said t...1

   The rhizome and roots of Caulophyllum thalictroides (Linné, Michaux (Nat. Ord. Berberidaceae). In rich woods in the eastern half of the United... / ... used to assist labor when delay is due to weakness, fatigue, or lack of uterine power, or when the tissues feel full, as if congested. The skillful use of forceps has largely supplanted drugs of this... / ...of strength and rapid involution of the womb following labor. The dose of the syrup is from 2 fluidrachms to 1/2 fluidounce, 2 or 3 times a day.1

   The full grown fruit, gathered green, of Conium maculatum, Linné (Nat. Ord. Umbelliferae). Europe and Asia; naturalized in the United... / ... and to give rest it is a most important drug in gastric carcinoma. If there is much destruction of tissues it is less effective, but tends to keep the surrounding part obtunded and muscularly quiet, ... / applied and be given to relieve pain even when a cure is not possible. It relieves the pain of swollen mammae during the menstrual periods a1

   The bark and root-bark of Cornus florida, Linné. (Nat. Ord. Cornaceae.) A beautiful flowering tree of the United States. Dose, 5 to 60... / ...headache from quinine, pyrosis, and general exhaustion. It is adapted to cases with feeble, relaxed tissues, with weak pulse and subnormal temperature. It has been suggested as useful in gastric ulcer...1

   The rhizome of Dioscorea villosa, Linné (Nat. Ord. Dioscoreaceae). A vine found throughout the United States. Dose, 5 to 60 grains. Common Names:... / ... cases of bilious colic, but it acts similarly in paroxysmal pain, with contraction of the muscular tissues, in cholera morbus, indigestion, and dysenteric tenesmus. Ovarian neuralgia and spasmodic d... / ...does not dissolve calculi. Usually, while there is much tenderness in cases requiring dioscorea, the distress is gradually relieved by pressure.1

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Materia Medica on Tissue

   A powerful irritant poison. In minute doses it acts as a restora tive in nervous exhaustion. It diminishes tissue waste, and serves as a direct food for brain and bone. It is reputed aphrodisiac, and is used frequently with reference to this property, as well as in neural gia, mania, mental depression and in some cutaneous affections. It promotes the growth of bone and so is indicated in rachitis and osteomalacia. Dose, 0.0006 to 0.003 Grm. (1-100 to 1-20 gr.).2

RHUS AROMATICA (Fragrant Sumac)
   The bark of the root of RHUS AROMATICA, Ait. Astringent. stimulant to non-striated muscular tissue. Used especially in nocturnal incontinence of urine.2

WARNING: All medicines, drugs, plants, chemicals or medicial precedures below are for historical reference only. Many of these treatments are now known to be harmful and possibly fatal. Do not consume any plant, chemical, drug or otherwise without first consulting a licensed physician that practices medine in the appropriate field.

Physician's Therapeutics Memoranda on Tissue

   In the incipient stage,... / ...pplications of tincture iodine, of Phenol camphor, N., B. & Co. or of a solution of silver nitrate, 20 to 40 grs. to the ounce, or injection into the tissues involved of 5 to 15 minims of a 2 per cent. aqueous solution oi carbolic acid may abort the abscess. Internally calcium sulphide, 1-10 to 1-2 ... / ...Elixir Gentian and Phosphoric Acid Compound. Haemo Mangan is useful when blood is impoverished.2


1) Felter, Harvey Wickes, 1922, The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2) Nelson, Baker & Co., 1904, Physician's Handy Book of Materia Medica and Therapeustics, Detroit, Michigan.